Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day Off

A nice hot day to take off. The weather for Labour Day weekend has been amazing, definitely summer like. As I listen to the Jays beating up on the Yankees (4-0 in the 3rd, though it is early in the game and the Evil Empire is always capable of mounting a comeback), I am contemplating the 7km run I have to do tomorrow. Will it be a morning adventure, while the temperature is still not too hot, or the usual evening run? In any case, I will once more endeavor to keep the run at a relaxed pace, somewhere in the 6:00 - 6:30/km pace range. Stay tuned...

Now, back outside!


Saturday, August 30, 2008

7KM Morning Run

I am trying to get at least one morning run each week, and so the weekend is the only time I get to do this. My body screams against this early running thing, but I figure that races occur in the morning, so I'd better get used to it as much as I can. This morning I attempted my first morning 7k run, and decided to just go with whatever felt good and not worry so much about keeping my pace slow.

So, I walked for 1k to warm up and then started off on what I thought was an easy pace. After about a kilometre I glanced down at my watch and was surprised to see that my pace was faster than 5:30/km. I really thought I was in the 6:00/km range, and decided to see how long I could hold it. I knew that the route I was taking would require me to tackle a lengthy set of stairs during the last third of the run, and that this would probably not only spike my heart rate, but also up my overall pace. Therefore, I was pleased to hold about a 5:18 pace for the first 4 and a half kilometres, at which point I hit the stairs and, upon reaching the top, my pace was dead on 5:30! The heart rate never really went below 160bpm after that, but I still finished the 7km in 38:14, at 5:27/km. I don't know if I could hold this for a whole 10km, but if there were no other hills I would probably be able to do it.

The knee was fine, though once again it took a couple of kilometres to loosen up. Also, it was pretty hot out and I am starting to think about having to bring water with me on these runs as I up the distance. I don't know if I will ever feel comfortable with a fuel belt or equivalent thingy, but we'll see...

Garmin don't lie:

The google image of my route.

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Friday, August 29, 2008

Vacation Report, Running Barefoot

So, as expected our short vacation in Prince Edward County was great, and wireless internet was not to be had. The place we were staying, having advertised "high speed wireless internet", was anything but ready to supply this convenience. The guy at the front desk seemed a bit put out when I asked him about logging on, and mumbling something about having problems with their service gave me the pass phrase for the wireless network for a Bed and Breakfast three doors over. The pilfered connection was not strong enough and so internet access was none...

Anyway, we had a great time on this short getaway. What with graduate degrees and such vacation days have been hard to come by, so our vacations seem to always be way too short and way too cheap. They are always fun though. Here are some pics of the place:

I'll spare you the requisite pictures of the kids frolicking in the sand and water, and the wife looking displeased that I am taking her picture... So domestic.

On the running front: We drove up on Tuesday and so the usual weights that I would have done that day were off, as they would be on Thursday. I did manage to get a run in on Wednesday. It was along the beach, barefoot! A nice easy 5km, with entertainment to boot: After about a kilometer and a half I came across an old man sitting cross-legged and completely nude. Before I could avert my eyes I'd seen too much, and was left with the thought that I'd have to pass him again on the way back. The beach then became rocky and I was distracted with the job of dodging rocks so as to prevent extra injury. In this mode I continued down the beach, running sometimes on any softer parts I could find and sometimes in the shallow water, and was quite content until I came across something that made the Jabba the Hut impersonator seem tame in comparison.

For the record, I am not at all passing judgement here and feel that if you are not hurting anyone do whatever the hell you like. However, on a public beach at least pay attention to who is coming towards you!!! The three gay guys engaged in an orgy were obviously too occupied to see me bumbling along, and I too occupied with dodging rocks, that we were not aware of each others presence until the very last moment. I mumbled something like "sorry" (for what I don't really know) and they "disengaged", for want of a better word and lunged for towels...

So, I still had another kilometre to go before my turnaround point, and now I had to face these three and Mr. Nude on my return path... Not to mention the rocks. My worries were unwarranted as the gay guys were well behaved as I ran past, and the nude Father Time was wading into the water about twenty metres out. I completed my run at a leisurely pace and was none the worse for the experience...

Garmin don't lie:

Today we returned early on account of a rainy and overcast day, and I managed a quick workout at the gym. Nothing special, felt weak, had no lunch, blah blah blah...
Tomorrow I up the mileage to 7km. Can't wait! Knee's still lingering, but I am optimistic.


  • 10 minute stationary bike warmup

  • Bench Press 12-12-10 135lbs

  • Seated Rows 12-10-10 120lbs-140lbs-140lbs

  • Military Press 12-12 95lbs

  • Lat Pulldowns 10-10 145lbs

  • Biceps Curls 12-10 65lbs

  • Dips 12-12

  • Bicycle Crunches 50-50-50

Weigh in: 195lbs!!! Not sure if this was because of the lunch I missed eating, or something else. I certainly did not maintain a great diet while on vacation... Anyway, this is how much I weighed when I started my current desk job, and now have lopped off about 16lbs since the beginning of the year when I was at my all-time heaviest.

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Monday, August 25, 2008

Fun Day, and 6km LSD

Having promised Owen a full day at Ontario Place all summer, today I came through. Lots of fun on waterslides, rides, mazes, games, etc. Hard to pick out a favorite, but I really enjoyed something call the Atom Blast; it's this amazing indoor place with soft balls about the same size as a tennis ball that you can shoot out of canons of a variety of sizes. These things can fly, and even though I was repeatedly hit in the head by a gang of teenagers that took a fancy to aiming at me I was not hurt. I kept getting balls and loading up Owen's canon and he'd aim back at my "enemies". Of course I couldn't resist simply throwing a few balls here and there, and the teens thought this was a good idea. From that point on it was all-out war! We pelted each other as hard as we could until I was exhausted and had to leave. Awesome!

After the full day of walking back and forth accross this huge place I was bushed, but determined to try something out on my run. I now realize that the Garmin thing can be both a blessing and a curse. Being very competitive (these days only with myself), coupled with the fact that I know less than nothing about running (a recent realization arrived at through much reading), I have become a danger to myself with this watch. Going for an "easy" run is impossible if I can see my pace (as proven by my last run where I tried to go slow and had a HR over 90% of max for the last 2km). Therefore, I experimented by putting only the distance and HR on my display, then ventured out on another 6km run.

I walked for the first kilometre, then started into it. My goal was simple: keep the HR under 140. Although my brain was screaming for more information (I knew if I put the elapsed time on the display I would invariably work out my pace and start "racing" my previous efforts) I was able to keep to my target HR, though it spiked up to about 150 on a long climb that was about a half kilmetre long near the end of the run. Anyway, I don't know if anyone else has this same issue with the Garmin, but for me I have to use the power wisely or continue to wallow in aches and pains. Like I said before, Garmin don't lie:

The google image of my run.

Lastly, thanks to Marcy for the tip on setting up different folders so that I can share the Garmin with my wife! Much appreciated!

We're off to Prince Edward County with the boys until Friday to frolick on the beach and enjoy a few precious days out of the Big Smoke. Apparently the place we're staying at has wireless, but I am not sure if that's true. We'll see...


Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day "Off" - Cleaning

This was not planned, but today turned into a major cleaning binge on the house. It all started with a seemingly harmless sweep of the kitchen, and before I knew it I was doing the whole house and had the entire family involved. I guess they felt guilty seeing me work or something, but in the end the place needed a cleaning and I choose to believe it was THAT and not my efforts that provided the motivation. The Garmin went for a ride on the good ship Spouse for the first time, and I think she enjoyed the experience. I wish there was a way to set up two profiles on the watch, but based on some basing research this is not possible. Of all the great ideas that Half-Fast has for Garmin, this would make a valuable addition from my perspective. I don't think we'll be spending another $300 for a new watch, but I'd gladly pay a token amount for a firmware upgrade.

Sorry for the boring post, but it is late, I am tired, and I must off...


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Baseball Champ, and 6km Run in New Shoes!

So, on the shoe search I went to New Balance Toronto last night and, lo and behold, indeed I am a 12.5 normal width footed homosapien. The NB1062 was definitely the shoe for me, but the store only had a 12.5 in extra wide at the downtown location. I was a swimmer, but I don't have webbed feet! After getting them to get another pair transferred from another location, I left somewhat dissappointed, but looking forward to the Monday arrival of the new treads...

Jump to this morning... I woke up too late to go for my planned 6km run before Owen's Championship Baseball game, so that's what was on the menu for the first half of the day. As a proud Dad I must report that my son's team won in a classic "come back" type game - they entered the bottom of the fourth inning (the last) four runs down, and managed to score 5 to win 11-10! Here are some pics of the memorable occasion for all to ogle:

Owen getting ready to play in the big game, Dad forces him to stop for a picture:

Mom and Malcolm: the tension is palpable!

In the on-deck "circle":

Loin-Fruit #1 with his trophy, happy endorphins coursing through his veins!

The triumphant "Green Giants" with their trophies, coaches, etc.:

Naturally I took a couple of videos of the Loin-Fruit's at-bats, and may attempt to load them up later... Let's just say they were spectacular for now!

After the game, the boys got hot-dogs, the parents reminisced. Once we got home I started getting antsy and decided to check the availability of my prospective sneakers at the other locations around Toronto. The first place I called had a pair and I made the decision to drive up there and pick them up. I even got a free running shirt out of it since that location was running a promo. I should have taken a picture of it, but didn't... Here are the shoes just before my run:

So, I strapped them on, put on the Garmin accoutrements, and off I went on my "easy" 6km run. I walked ten minutes, then started up on what I thought was a slow pace. The first kilometre was feeling good, the knee was cooperating, and I was yet to get blasted by the heat. Tears were streaming from my eyes on account of the friggin' ragweed, but I didn't care because the 1062's felt awesome! Not too plush, not too firm. Definitely a good first impression. By the time I dropped into the Park I was feeling great and didn't care that I was running well below the prescribed 6:00/km pace. I paid for this by about kilometre three, first with a stitch that would be my running parter for the duration, and then by the hill that would take me out of the Park back onto the roads. I ran the first 5km in 28:34 and was definitely pushing to hold the pace for the last km. The Garmin don't lie, and my HR was way higher than intended. I guess all I know how to do is "tempo" runs, but I have no idea what that actually means, just want to sound cool...

In the end, a great day! Hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday as well. Oh yeah, the cherry on the top: Red Soxs 0 - Jays 11!!! Oh yeah!!!


The google image of the run!

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Friday, August 22, 2008

The Quest for Footwear Begins!

Having convinced myself that new footwear is crucial to my running, I am planning on heading over to the New Balance Toronto store this evening to see if I can find something with tonnes of cushioning for my 12.5 sized canoes. No idea if they stock them, can't bring myself to call and be disappointed, plus I've never seriously tried New Balance shoes before so maybe a 12 or 13 will be right for me... Here's the model I'm really keen on for its shock absorption and high-arch accommodation, the NB 1062:

The other model that they recommended, in a response to an email I sent to their "ask the expert" thingy, is the NB 862:
Anyone out there wearing either one of these? Thoughts & comments are always welcome. I suspect my quest is unlikely to end tonight, and I will be faced with the prospect of "shopping around", a task worse that having my teeth drilled as far as I'm concerned. I suppose going to a brand specific store is giving me the hope that they stock more that the normal sizes of other retailers, but I have no way of knowing if this is actually the case (can't bring myself to call comment above). After reading Running Injury-Free a bit last night I at least have a semblance of explanation for why my feet grew by half a size in the last year or so: my rigid high arches may actually be loosening up from the activity! This is good news in an otherwise disappointing shoe-finding endeavor, and I'll take it! Hopefully tomorrow I can report on how my Saturday morning run went in my new treads!

Update: I forgot to wish Lifestrides good luck on his 1 Mile Challenge tomorrow! All the best in your quest to break 5:00 - that time is unbelievably fast, but you are so close and I bet you'll do it!

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Thursday, August 21, 2008

Designing a Training Plan, and Weights

Having designed a training plan for myself as I prep for my first 10k race on October 18th, I decided to read a little bit to make sure I am not making any serious mistakes. So, I am reading Run Less Run Faster right now, and it seems that my plan is very similar to what they recommend in this book. This validates my approach to some extent, and although I am starting off really easy compared to what the book recommends (on account of the knee and the lack of base mileage) I think I will be able to run an ok 10k by race day. One surprise to me from this book is the acknowledgement that runners tend to avoid weight training because they fear it might bulk them up. Is this true? I lift light weights to stay strong (is that irony???) and not to bulk up, also to maintain a relatively high metabolism now that I am of an age (read 30+) where sitting around at the office leads to extra pounds on the carriage. Anyway, good book, not great. Worth browsing at the store or borrowing from the library, especially for us beginner types.

One thing I learned from my intervals of yesterday - I have a loooooooooooong way to go!!! This certainly puts fast runners like Lifestrides and Nitmos in perspective; "Too much! Too much F'ing perspective." - David St. Hubbins.

Got a short weight workout in tonight since I am going out for some beerverages with a friend I haven't seen in far too long. Feeling some ill effects of yesterday's intervals in the right (aka "wonky") ankle - achilles tendon is more tender than it should be. This tells me that it's really time to get new shoes, which I will hopefully manage to check out tomorrow night.

  • 10 minute stationary bike warmup
  • Dumbell Bench Press 15-10-10 50lbs,60lbs
  • Hammer Strength Seated Rows 12-12-12 180lbs
  • Dumbell Military Press 12-10 40lbs
  • Lat Pulldowns 10-8 145lbs (this was harder than it should have been)
  • Dumbell Alternating Biceps Curls 10-10 60lbs
  • Triceps Kickbacks 12-12 15lbs (on the first rep my right tri cramped like a s.o.b.!)
  • Ab Machine 15-15-15 125lbs
Weight check: holding steady at 196lbs.

Now off to the bar!!! (Tomorrow's weigh in prediction? ... I don't think so!)

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Intervals, with the wee ones in tow

Yes, I did some (pretty pathetic) intervals. The family piled in the car to go to the track, which we normally do not do, but given dinner plans, etc. and the boys' desire to "go see Daddy run" this made the most sense. I walked around the track once to warmup a bit while the boys ran in front of me, though only one did actually run. The 3 year-old kept on sprinting ahead, then turning around to tell me something interesting about something interesting. After the first lap, Owen (the 6 year-old) wanted to run with me a bit so we started on my warmup jog. He is looking forward to the "cub run" at the Zoorun 10k in October, and wanted to test himself over the 1km distance. I, the proud Dad, am impressed that even after his first 400m lap, he completed the 1k, and in 6:30! He wants to join his school's cross-country running team this Fall, which is awesome!

I went a bit further, and after 1200m started in on my intervals. My initial plan was to do 5X400, but I thought I'd play it based on how the knee was feeling. Between each 400 I jogged a full lap to recover. The splits were 1:41, 1:36, 1:36, and 1:37, and I had to dodge lots of people arriving for some kids soccer games, as well as my own son who jumped out near the end of the second interval to give me a hug - I was really close to putting my knee in his face, and that would have ended in the local hospital for him and the doghouse for me! In the end I ran a total of 5k in 27:27 and then walked the rest of the way home. I must admit that the knee felt better than expected, but I almost bailed after the third 400. I'd like to think it was only because of the knee, but it was as much because I was dying. I decided to do the fourth interval just because I was curious to see how much I would die. The split was similar to the others, so maybe I wasn't pushing as hard as I could have, perhaps protecting the knee... In any case, even though the distance is short this felt more like a workout, and that was a welcome change from the easy 5ks I've been limiting myself to doing.


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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Allergic to Weights

Ragweed... The season has started with vengeance. I was not a happy camper today, but sat through a full day of meetings going through a forest's worth of tissues, making people nervous... That part was ok, but the allergies suck.

After getting home I was going to take a shower, but felt that I should at least have some athletic reason for doing that, so I headed for the gym. The workout was not inspired and I felt both tired and weak, a combo that can easily lead to injury for us accident prone types. Happy to report that I did not get injured, but given that I opened the door, the knee is still feeling less than ok. It's a bit of a catch-22 - I have weak quads, which most likely is the root of the problem, but can't strengthen them too much because of the friggin' knee...

Oh yeah, I forgot to report on the book. I finished The Perfect Mile on the weekend and the accolades were well deserved. If my knee wasn't an issue I'd be out there running intervals right now!!! Too many highlights to mention, but I especially like the story of Bannister and the Brits, on their way to Vancouver through Montreal, using penny farthings to buy pop in a machine that spat out Canadian change that was worth more than they paid! I know that Canadians have a reputation for being nice, but this is ridiculous!!!

The training plan calls for starting some intervals tomorrow, but I don't think that will be wise. We'll see...


  • 10 minute warmup on stationary bike

  • Bench Press 12-12-12 135lbs

  • Seated Rows 12-12-12 120lbs

  • Military Press 12-12 95lbs

  • Lat Pulldowns 10-10 145lbs

  • Biceps Curls 10-10 65lbs

  • Dips 12-12

  • Bicycle Crunches 50-50

  • Ab Machine 15-15 125lbs

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Monday, August 18, 2008

5km Run, Soaking Wet

Got the 5km run in as planned, though I timed it to coincide with the worst downpour of a thunderstorm. (We've averaged what seems like almost one a day this summer and records for rain totals have been smashed for this city.) Owen's baseball game started in beautiful sunshine, but by the end I knew I was in for it as the clouds had rolled in and the wind was picking up. After getting home I headed out while it was still dry, but at the 1km mark the downpour started. It was pretty cool running in the rain, and in the end the rain only lasted for about fifteen minutes, so the walk at the end was dry. I think that running in the rain is ok, but walking might not be so much fun. Relegated to the dumbass category is my wearing of sunglasses on top of the baseball hat without knowing it... They were my wife's and I'm sure glad that I didn't lose them while running. At least the people on the street that I passed must have thought that I had been running for a looooooong time to still have them on me!

The pace was faster than I had planned, but not by much. I managed the 5km in 28:28 instead of the 30:00 flat I was trying for. The knee felt tight and the tendon at the front under the kneecap is not yet fully healed. It is very frustrating to not be able to just run fast. This hardly felt like a workout and I really had to hold back. I may have to see the physio once she returns from Beijing...

On the shoe front I discovered there is a New Balance store downtown that carries all sizes and widths. I hope that something there works, though I've never felt good in a NB shoe. That being said, I've never been fitted for one either.


Google image.

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The Only 12.5 In Canada???

So, I have been looking into replacing my running shoes and began my quest this weekend while in Ottawa. I currently wear Asics Gel-Cumulus 9 and am happy with them, though I am looking to get a bit more cushioning if possible (Gel-Nimbus 10, or something like that). I need a neutral shoe with a sole that doesn't twist on account of the wonky ankle, but I can't wear a stability shoe because I have high and rigid arches. Other than those physical restrictions, my only problem is that NOBODY carries 12.5 sizes in this bloody country!!! (Perhaps accounting for our poor track and field results? Hey, it's hard to run with the wrong footwear...) You'd figure that running specialty stores would have the occasional customer with a 12.5 size foot (thanks for nothing Running Room), but apparently people just skip up to a 13 once reaching 12. Any size below 12 comes in half-sizes, but I was given no explanation for why 12.5 is like the Yeti - I'm told to try this store, or call this place, or check out that, or contact the company, but a sighting is not imminent. When I do find something you can bet I will likely buy two pairs... IF THEY BLOODY WELL HAVE THEM!!!!!!! Or maybe I should guillotine a couple of toes and join the normal-feet folk? Friggin' genetics...

Thanks for letting me vent. Any advice would be much appreciated, though not expected given that you are unlikely to need a 12.5!!!

Knee's feeling better. Going for another slow 5k tonight. Wife discovered my blog finally. Don't know what that means... Hi honey!!!


Sunday, August 17, 2008

Travel Day

Drove home from Ottawa today. Took our time and went the small highway route most of the way, stopping a couple of times for the little ones to run around, etc. Great drive, not much traffic, and we're safe. I hate driving and avoid it as much as possible, and the big highways are such a pain in the ass for too many reasons to list. The sitting for 5 hours didn't do my knee too much good either, and I'll have to stretch and ice tonight (not that this is unusual) and hope that it's ready to go for another 5km run tomorrow night. I have to hold myself back and ease into running again, though I feel like a total loser running so little...

What's more to say when spending the entire day in a car? Not much. Nice to see Canada get a few medals on the board finally. Awesome swim for Ryan Cochrane in the 1500m, picking up a bronze medal and the only one of the entire meet for Canada. Not only is he the first Canuck to go under 15:00, he's destroyed that barrier and brought it down to 14:40. The 15:00 barrier in the swimming mile was akin to the 4:00 mile in running, just for reference, so to go that far under is unbelievable. He'll be someone to watch in London 2012 given that he's really young, especially for a miler.

Also of note was the sweep of the medals by the Jamaican women in the 100m. That country's 4x100 relays, both men and women, will be a must-see event for sure!

Happy running everyone!


Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back at it! 5km run

First: WOW! Just watched Bolt win the 100m, and WOW! It is (or will be) Usain Bolt day in Jamaica.

Went for a 5km run along the canal in Ottawa with my wife, which was really cool since we don't get to run together almost ever these days. We saw lots of other runners out there, and in particular couples that looked in way too good a shape for us to be sharing the same pavement. My urge to clothesline was at an all time high, but my sweet wife, as always, was the sober yin to my raging yang, and the strangers passed unaware of the danger that almost befell them... As we neared the end of our grueling trek I held out my hand and asked my wife if she wanted to go over the cliff ala Thelma and Louise (I've been told I look like Geena Davis). She said "no", so I tried other dynamic duos: Butch and Sundance? - no. Bert and Ernie? - no. Batman and Robin? - no. Starsky and Hutch? - no. Simon and Simon? - no. McMillan and Wife? - no. Grover and Cookie Monster? - YES!

I was Grover, and we finished our 5km...

I am trying to get back into running with this friggin' knee thing, and I was a bit worried when it was not feeling very good at the beginning of the run. We walked the 10 minutes to get to the canal so I thought the warmup was sufficient, but in the first few steps I felt tightness below the kneecap. It wasn't that bad, and I was determined to hold a slow pace in the 6:00/km range, so there was no question of continuing on. By the second kilometre the knee was feeling better, and I was concentrating on my technique to minimize impact as much as possible. In the end we finished 5km in just over 30 minutes and walked home. My knee felt quite good on the walk home, and now I have finished icing and will stretch later on a bit more.

One last thought: as we ran I began to wonder if maybe I am a candidate for one of those thingy's that I see some people wear just under their knee. I have no idea what they're called, or what they do, but here's a pic of Nadal wearing them:

The details:

And the google image of the route.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Short Post before a Short Trip

Leaving in a couple of hours for Ottawa to meet up with the smallest of the clan (who's with his grandparents on his first adventure away from us!), so I'll keep this short. First, I am so entertained by the blogs I've been perusing for all sorts of reasons (too many to list here, but they are on my "Blogs I Read" section). In no particular order here's why: learning about running, getting through injuries, fighting through setbacks, great pictures, living vicariously through those in exotic places, and of course the timezone-spanning trash talk! I thought trash talking was perfected on the basketball court, but this blog version is perhaps superior because it leaves behind a record for all to see. Awesome stuff...

On my way to pick up the older of my two boys, heading out of town in my efforts to avoid cottage traffic, I will be picking up The Perfect Mile from my local library. Thanks to LifeStrides (by way of Nitmos) for turning me onto this book. Now that my course is over, and the paper is handed in, I look forward to reading for fun and not for school, and this sounds like a perfect entry into the literary world of running. I also have a bunch of books on order at the library dealing with training for 10ks and injury treatement, etc... I'm so wonky I'd better prevent as many kinks as possible or risk feeling like one big mega cramp. If anybody out there has fave books they would like to recommend please do so! It seems like Ultramarathon Man has come up a few times in blog posts and comments, so maybe that's where I'll go next, in words if not in miles...

Today I drive, tomorrow I run! Patella don't fail me now...

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Thursday, August 14, 2008

Gettin' Antsy... Ain't Gettin' Old.

As I prepare to attend the last lecture of my summer course, and putting the finishing touches on my paper (I am projecting that this will actually happen tonight, Olympics and all), I am feeling like I haven't been running in far too long. Last Friday was the last time I managed to get out, but since then the combination of knee pain and paper writing has forced me to lay low. Tomorrow I will be driving to Ottawa, thereby preventing me from jumping back in for another day. Saturday is THE day, though. I am going to start slow - just planning a 5k along the canal, nice and slow, nice and flat, lots of other runners (usually), lots of ducks... Can't wait! I'll wonder how many of the runners I pass along the way are into blogging...

Name the artist and song:

"Ain't gettin' old. Ain't gettin' younger though.
Just gettin' used to the lay of the land."*

* just how I'm feeling these days...

Update: A hearty "Good Work!" for michelle j. who correctly guessed that the above lyric comes from Neil Young's "Hawkes and Doves". Good stuff and thanks!

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Short Weights & Too Flexible?

Tonight I squeezed in a short workout at the gym, again skipping the running for yet another day. I am mulling over more and more seriously running a 10k race on October 18th, and as such have been devising a preparation program that will (hopefully) keep me injury free and able to finish the race is a decent time. Starting this Saturday it will be 9 weeks until the race! I've also gotten my wife interested in the idea of running at the Zoo, so we may do it together. Of course, nothing is for real until we register, and I won't do that until closer to the race since my body is still very much adjusting to running. I have no doubt that I can run a 10k, even now, just concerned that doing so will put me out of commission for a while (knee, ankle, etc.), and that would suck big time! The knee's feeling pretty good, though there is still a hint of pain under the kneecap. The hip flexors are screaming for relief, which they can have for the rest of the night, but that's it.

Is it possible to be TOO flexible? I'm stretching so much, especially because of this knee thing, and I am finding that I can go so far on the quads and hamstrings that I am losing the desired effect. When I stretch my quad, for instance, I feel like I'm stretching more stuff above the hip bone than the quad itself. I think I know how to stretch from years of doing it, but maybe I've forgotten more than I'm willing to admit...


  • 10 minute warmup on stationary bike

  • Bench Press 12-12-12 135lbs

  • HS Rows 12-12-10 180lbs

  • Military Press 12-12 95lbs

  • Lat Pulldowns 8-8 145lbs

  • Biceps Curls 12-12 60lbs

  • Dips 12-12

  • Bicycle Crunches 50-50-50
Total time: 43 minutes, jock free for the most part!

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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day Off, "Going to Zoo, Zoo, Zoo. How about You, You, You?"

Back at the computer to work on the paper (why do I care so little when so close to the end!?!?!). The younger of my two boys is off on an adventure with his grandparents, so we are one down for the rest of the week. This weekend we're off to Ottawa to catch up, and I am definitely getting a run in along the canal! But until then, it's back to civil society organizations, WSIS, digital divide, net neutrality, information rights, and blah blah blah blah blah... and blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

The knee is feeling better and better, though my hip flexors are so sore! I cannot believe how much these little muscles get worked out just by moving the legs around in a controlled fashion in a variety of ways. No weights or anything! I guess my coaches were right - I do have lead feet!!! The kick was NOT the best part of my swimming ability.

Anyway, I'm considering entering the Zoorun 10K on October 18th for my first running race ever! I think that will give me enough time to get through this knee issue and work my way up to the race. Being a complete running rookie I have no idea what to expect as far as racing goes. What is the etiquette, if any? Do people chat to you while running? Are they all just focused and talking to them is a big no-no? What is the start of the race likely to entail? (I'm thinking elbows and knees colliding. Lucky for me I am very sharp and pointy on both counts!)

I am not committing to this race, and will scout others that may be cool to do. But I must admit that the idea of having exotic animals cheering for you while you run by is very enticing... Oh yeah, and the kids will have something to do while their dad chugulugs around the Zoo. Here's what I expect to here at the finish:

Owen (6 year old): "Great job Dad... Can I have an ice cream?"

Malcolm (almost 4): "Yeah! Can I have an ice cream too? Dad? Dad? Dad? Daddy? You know whaaaaat? Uuuummmmm. Tigers, you know - tigers, they like to eat ice cream. Yeah, they do..."

Me (13 year old equivalent): "Help... Me... Up... Please... Must... Upload... Garmin... Data... Bones... Spock... Help... Me to get... Up... Must... Fight the urge to... Go... After the Green... Hot... Martian Woman... Stardate 2008-10... 1...8... Kirk... Over and... Out... Eat Bran Flakes... Stay Regular..."


Monday, August 11, 2008

Weights, and Navigating Jocks

Warmed up on a stationary bike for 10 minutes, even though the knee is really starting to feel better I'm holding back. As I ice it I'm trying very hard to NOT run until it is 100% for a couple of days. Also, I want to keep strengthening my hip flexors and quads.

Decent workout tonight, but wayyyyy too many posers at the gym taking up precious space. This MMA craze is sure bringing these guys out of the woodwork. They're loud, they swear, they smell, they "spar", they boast, they brag, they compare, they adjust themselves a lot, but they do very little of what one can actually call working out. But they take over the machines and don't relinquish them for anything!

Here's what I managed to fit in on the machines that were not occupied:
  • Hammer Strength Bench Press 12-10-10 110lbs
  • Seated Rows 12-12-12 120lbs
  • Military Press 12-12 95lbs
  • Lat Pulldowns 12-10 140lbs
  • Biceps Curls 10-10 65lbs
  • Dips 12-12
I plan on doing some ab work tonight while watching the Olympics (though that damned paper is still not finished!!!), but I had to get the hell out of that gym. After I ice... And a glass of Scotch...

Oh yeah, weigh in: 196 1/4 lbs. Dehydration perhaps? I hope not; feelin' good.

Update: Got in 150 bicycle crunches in sets of 50 while watching Phelps manhandle the 200 freestyle world. That guy is the Tiger Woods of swimming. It's a shame that we collectively only care once every four years... But hey, it's swimming and I am not deluded.


Back to Work, Olympics, and Is This News?

First, the knee is on the mend, but the variety of weaknesses in my body that I've discovered as a result of reading about runner's knee knows no bounds. My left quad (as mentioned in a previoud post) is weak, but now I discover that my hip muscles (abductors? adductors? hippi-whippies?) are also weak! I started doing these simple exercises that are meant to be done with a strech band or cord, but I do them without, and still find my hip stabilizers burning within a few reps! My interest was piqued by an article I read last night about the importance of core strength in injury prevention, but specifically in the definition of core strength that goes beyond the abdominal muscles. (Sorry folks, this story was in paper format or I would include the link.) In any case, I will definitely keep these exercises up as I feel they can only help...

My one observation of the Olympics from last night: As a former swimmer I am very much enjoying the competition this year. Michael Phelps is an unbelievable specimen, and now I can't see him NOT winning 8 golds after the 4x100 free relay was tiumphant in a photo finish with the French. I must admit that I always tend to root for the underdog and I was screaming at the TV for the French guy swimming the anchor leg to GET OFF THE F%#$N' LANEROPE!!! For those that may not know, when you swim beside the lane rope your wake creates a small wave that the guy on the other side can surf on and conserve energy. This happened to Matt Biondi in 1988 when he failed in his attempt to match Mark Spitz's 7 golds. Biondi (in lane 5) got as far away from the top qualifier in the 200 free (Artur Wojdat of Poland in lane 4) and in the process allowed Aussie Duncan Armstrong to surf beside him for the entire race. In the last 25 meters Armstrong came off the rope and sprinted to the wall in "lucky lane 6!!!" for an improbable gold medal against that era's Michael Phelps. It was a monumental upset. In fact Biondi lost so much energy focusing on Wojdat that a Swede in lane 8 snuck in for the silver medal, relegating Biondi to bronze. Awesome races on both counts, but how can these world-class athletes make such rookie mistakes???

And last, please check out this story and tell me if this counts as news worth printing, or news at all: link. For the record, I don't think so!

Oh yeah, I will rest the knee today but am planning on a weight workout with a stationary bike warmup.

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Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day of Rest, and Caffeinating

With the knee on the mend, but definitely not all the way healed, I have taken to heart some advice from a fellow runner (thanks Lily on the Road!) who has more experience than I and will approach my recovery more conservatively than I would otherwise. Also, my paper is still in the drivel stage and I fully intend to get it to first draft stage by the end of today. As such I will be partaking of more coffee than I should while my lovely wife is entertaining the boys for the day. She's the best!

I wonder what other runners out there think about coffee? Is it ok or a total no go? My love of coffee started when I was a bike courier and the winter months were cold and long. Getting on the bike at 7am when it was still dark, the cafes looked very inviting and I was hooked. Also, downtime, a good book and coffee just fit so well together. I've cut down recently, but having no coffee while holding down an office job seems nearly impossible. I particularly enjoy the social aspects of the "coffee break" and would likely miss that most of all.

Anyway, back to the paper, and of course the coffee!

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Saturday, August 9, 2008

Procrastinating, Icing, and Writing

It's probably the most perfect day (rainy, chilly) for me to stay indoors and work on my final paper for my second last grad course (yay!), and yet I continue to amaze myself with my penchant for procrastination (as evidenced by this post that I should NOT be writing). My knee is not so good, but not as bad as I thought it would be. After following a couple of the links left by Beachrunner411 on Lil Runner's blog, I realize that my left quad is WAY weaker than my right. This is very surprising to me given that my wonky ankle (perhaps to be explained in detail in a future post) is the left one, meaning that the right leg should have been the one taking most of the workload, thereby making it stronger. So, I figure my patella is being pulled out of its groove as a result of a weak muscle, and I have to wait for the pain to subside, then start strengthening it. My physio is in Beijing (go Canada Rowing!!!) so this is more self-diagnosis, but I think I'm on the right track.

So I should go back to the paper and get this thing done so that I can enjoy a two-week break prior to embarking on my last course, for which my care factor will be at an all-time low, if it's possible to care any less for this 30 page lit review on civil society participation in the digital divide debate!!! (I jest a little since this stuff is interesting, but I'd rather be doing something else...)

On a personal note, a special thanks to those who have left comments on my blog! For a running rookie, and a blogging virgin, this gesture is surprisingly rewarding and inspiring. I love it! And am amazed at this community on the web. Someday I will run my first race like the rest of you have already done!!!

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Friday, August 8, 2008

8km on 08-08-08

I did it! I endeavored to complete 8 on 08-08-08, and managed to do it. Mind you it was only 8 kilometers and not the 8 miles that was challenged on the blogosphere, but hey, I'm just a rookie. In any case, with my knee feeling less than 100% I warmed up with five minutes of skipping rope and then took off at a gentle pace. The wind was gusting and at certain points I felt like I would be stopped in my tracks, but pushed on through. My one pet peeve on this run, and this may ring true for any other tall runners out there, are people who don't trim their trees at the sidewalk and force us tall runners to impersonate the hunchback of Notre Dame in passing. Not cool! Anyway, at around kilometre 3 I was feeling fine - the knee was loose, I had dropped down into Taylor Creek Park, my pace was in the 5:15 range, and I even passed a cyclist!

At this point I started entertaining thoughts of running 10k, but by the time I hit the 5k mark I was focusing back on reality and my goal of 8k. Then I hit the hill that would take me out of the Park at 6.5k and any thoughts of going more than 8 went out the window. Now I was just trying to not stop and make it to my goal distance. As I am icing my knee here at my laptop, I am feeling pretty good about this run. If my knee hurts so be it. I have a paper to write this weekend and maybe the timing for a couple days of rest is ok. Here's what the garmin said:

And here's the satellite image of the route I took.

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Jays Win! Final score 6-4

It was great to take the little guy to a Jays game and have them actually win! Over the last three years I have a miserable record when attending games. Prior to last night the Jays obliged just once, losing every other time I took Owen on my own. When my wife attends, on the other hand, they almost always win. Needless to say, when the A's jumped out to a quick 3-run lead in the second inning I was thinking, "Here we go again..." But the enthusiasm of a six-year old knows no bounds as Owen was positive the Jays would get the four-game sweep over the struggling Oakland team. Having other little guys from Owen's baseball team there was also cool as they all had a great time. By the time we left (after watching the "World's Fastest Grounds Crew", a bunch of guys that run out from behind the left field wall, sweep the dirt of the turf around the bases, change the bases, and rake, then run like hell back from whence they came) at the conclusion of the 5th inning, the game was tied and one of our favorite players, shortstop Johnny Mac, was the key to the comeback and eventual victory. On the way home we listened on the radio as the Jays took a lead on a bases loaded HBP (how thrilling!...), and then watched BJ Ryan close it out. It was particularly sweet to see Frank Thomas (who I don't dislike, but his grumbling earlier this season as a Jay was hard to take given the money he was being paid) hit into the game ending double play, turned by who else but Johnny Mac of course!.

I forgot to take my camera, and am still deciding whether this blog will be a picture-rich or picture-poor endeavor... Hmmmmmmmmmm.

In other news, I watched the documentary "Who Killed the Electric Car?" while icing last night. If you haven't seen it I recommend it as a good diversion. Corporate America is completely insane in this case. I'll never figure out why GM did what they did.

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Thursday, August 7, 2008

Update, Getting Lost Run

I received a notification from the fine folks at Motionbased (thanks Kathryn!) that my first trial run with the Garmin watch has been uploaded to the website. As such, I can now see where I got "lost". Looking at the path I tread it doesn't seem like it should have been as frustrating as I found it to be. It just seemed so stupid to keep running down one street, finding a dead end, then turning around and retracing my steps! Based on this image I only did this three times, but it sure felt like more... I am not in that good a shape yet, and this distance was more than I had intended to cover. Perhaps in that lies the true source of my consternation.


Rest, and the Jays

With the knee pain (patella femoral, IT band, gettin' old) lingering like a bad dream, it's probably a good thing that I won't be home tonight working on my paper and tempted to go for a run. Instead, I am taking my older son to the A's vs. Jays game! We normally go to one or two games a month, but this year we haven't gotten out since April. He loves baseball, plays on two teams, and is riveted when watching the game even though he's only 6. I remember his first game three years ago when a friend of mine, on the spurr of the moment, suggested we go see a game. I figured Owen would last an inning or two and then we'd be heading home. He was on the edge of his seat the entire game, and within days had all the player names memorized, knew which side of the plate they batted from, and could recite their uniform numbers! Needless to say he corrected me a lot when we played in our backyard pretending to be various Jays players as I would invariably make a mistake in batting from the right side while pretending to be a lefty. Anyway, we're off to the game and my running is on hold for the day.

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Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Treadmill and Weights

After feeling a built guilty for taking some time off (though it was great to hang out with the boys and M. for the weekend) I got back at it tonight, to a certain degree. Jumped on the treadmill, after walking to the gym 5 minutes, for 20 minutes at 7mph with a 2.0% incline. I walked for 5 afterwards, but during the run I wondered why this short run felt harder than my Sunday run which was at about the same pace but lasted 10 more minutes. Is it the incline? Is it that the treadmill is not accurate?

After the run I did a short weight workout. Felt really weak and tired, yawning constantly, but the amount I was able to push was average for me, weak for the jocks and meatheads.

Bench Press 12-12-12 135lbs
Hammer Strength Seated Rows 12-12-12 160lbs
Combo Dumbell Biceps Curls / Military Press 12-10 30lbs (this one kicked my ass!)
One Arm Triceps Extensions 12-12 15lbs
Machine Ab Crunches 12-12-12 125lbs

Total time spent at the gym was 1hr. Any more and it usually starts getting really boring.

On the down side, I weighed myself and am still hovering at the 199lbs. Am I gaining muscle mass? Fat? Do I need a haircut that bad? I am not that concerned, but I do feel like I am carrying a little bit too much weight, especially if I want to train for and run the 10k.
Update: I received an email from MotionBased and have been told that my getting lost run should be uploaded by the end of the week. I'll be able to see just how I got lost, and the kids will have some entertainment. Why oh why do the so enjoy when their dad does stupid things?

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Stretching, Aches and Pains

As I sit here feeling guilty that I have not done weights since last Thursday, nor run since Sunday, I wonder to myself if my body will ever actually adapt to running. Reading other people's blogs is great, and very entertaining, inspirational, etc..., but I see little in the way of coping with aches and pains. Are these folks so adapted that they feel little pain in between runs? My calves are rock hard, no matter how much I stretch, and my ankle throbs constantly. I realize that the ankle issue is the result of much damage (no ATFL, no cartilage left, bone spurr, tendinitis, bursitis, etc.), but what about those damned calves? I need to invest in a hot tub...

In other thoughts, since I only recently started this blog, I wonder how others feel when they first contemplate unleashing their thoughts onto the interweb? I am hesitant, but curious about being part of the community of blogging runners who read each others musings and sometimes leave comments. I have left the occasional note in response to particularly interesting posts, but quickly realized that my profile was inaccessible and, therefore, so was my blog. Should another blogger wish to find out who this idiot from the North Country is, leaving unsolicited comments on their little web spot, they would not be able to. The anonymity is comforting to some degree, but with anonymity comes a lack of inclusion in the community. I have decided to make the tradeoff and now my profile is available for viewing! What the hell, into the deep end, crawl to the shallow and hope that the lifeguard isn't stoned...


Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Day Off

No running yesterday, and unlikely that I will go for a run tonight. The knee pain is lingering and I think resting it is the right move. On top of that, as I near the end of my UofT summer course I have to devote some time to completing the final assignment, which I am behind on but still planning on finishing by August 14th. As much as I want to go out there and run again, it's probably more prudent to be satisfied with biking to work and back home, though this provides little in the way of exercise and can at best be called "activity".

Still no luck with MotionBased to get that long "lost" run up on their website, but I will continue to hold out hope. I really want to see the route I took and where I got lost - should at least be entertaining for the kids!


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Taylor Creek Park, At Last!

With the help of my lovely wife, who searched on google maps satellite image, I was successful in finding an entrance to Taylor Creek Park and finally succeeded in the run I had intended to have a couple of nights previous. In the end, it was a great little jog that lasted a total of 30 minutes, with 5 minutes of walking to warm up, and 15 minutes of walking to cool down. I kept a 5:31/km pace for the 30 minute run portion, which included some stairs where I slowed down considerably, and that is pretty good for me given the fact that my legs are still hurting a bit from the long (lost) run. Although this pace is ok and will put my 10k under 1 hour if I can hold it for that long, I feel like the 4:30 pace needed to reach my goal is far far away... Here's what the Garmin said:

I don't know how to get this map to show up as an image yet, but here's the link to the google satellite image of my run.


No Running on Saturday

Nothing yesterday. My legs felt super tight, especially the hamstrings. I spent the day with the kids at the Zoo, and that was more than enough walking. Lots of stretching and icing in the evening. Tonight I plan on another run, but hope NOT to get lost this time.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

First Run with Garmin, and Getting Lost

Well, it was a blast to go out for a run with the Garmin 305 strapped to my wrist. I could tell how fast I was going, how far I'd gone, and my HR. It was great. Only problem was that I got lost! I tried to find an entrance to Taylor Creek Park off O'Connor, but could not. In the end I ended up running for 50 minutes (my most to date) and walked a lot for a total of 1:28 and 11.2 km. Needless to say my legs hurt. I will post the map once MotionBased allows me to upload the data. The watch took too many "trackpoints" because I didn't know about the correct setting, and now there is too much data for them to allow uploading. I have contacted their support people to see if I can get this one workout uploaded, and have already made the changes to my watch settings to avoid this problem in the future. In any case, below is the Garmin Training Center training summary.


Friday, August 1, 2008

Garmin Watch!

Well, I just received the Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS watch and am charging it. This thing is HUGE, but being comfortable with my masculinity I am not intimidated. At least it doesn't seem too heavy or I will have to make sure to switch arms for fear of building one biceps more than the other...
In any case, I can't wait to take it for a spin! Hopefully I'll be able to get out for a run tonight, or at the very least tomorrow morning. I will try it on the bike ride home, that's a done deal.