Day Off
Now, back outside!
Labels: day off
Who says you need healthy ankle ligaments and any cartilage at all to run marathons anyway?
Labels: day off
I'll spare you the requisite pictures of the kids frolicking in the sand and water, and the wife looking displeased that I am taking her picture... So domestic.
On the running front: We drove up on Tuesday and so the usual weights that I would have done that day were off, as they would be on Thursday. I did manage to get a run in on Wednesday. It was along the beach, barefoot! A nice easy 5km, with entertainment to boot: After about a kilometer and a half I came across an old man sitting cross-legged and completely nude. Before I could avert my eyes I'd seen too much, and was left with the thought that I'd have to pass him again on the way back. The beach then became rocky and I was distracted with the job of dodging rocks so as to prevent extra injury. In this mode I continued down the beach, running sometimes on any softer parts I could find and sometimes in the shallow water, and was quite content until I came across something that made the Jabba the Hut impersonator seem tame in comparison.
For the record, I am not at all passing judgement here and feel that if you are not hurting anyone do whatever the hell you like. However, on a public beach at least pay attention to who is coming towards you!!! The three gay guys engaged in an orgy were obviously too occupied to see me bumbling along, and I too occupied with dodging rocks, that we were not aware of each others presence until the very last moment. I mumbled something like "sorry" (for what I don't really know) and they "disengaged", for want of a better word and lunged for towels...
So, I still had another kilometre to go before my turnaround point, and now I had to face these three and Mr. Nude on my return path... Not to mention the rocks. My worries were unwarranted as the gay guys were well behaved as I ran past, and the nude Father Time was wading into the water about twenty metres out. I completed my run at a leisurely pace and was none the worse for the experience...
Garmin don't lie:
Today we returned early on account of a rainy and overcast day, and I managed a quick workout at the gym. Nothing special, felt weak, had no lunch, blah blah blah...
Tomorrow I up the mileage to 7km. Can't wait! Knee's still lingering, but I am optimistic.
Labels: running
Labels: day off
Mom and Malcolm: the tension is palpable!
So, I strapped them on, put on the Garmin accoutrements, and off I went on my "easy" 6km run. I walked ten minutes, then started up on what I thought was a slow pace. The first kilometre was feeling good, the knee was cooperating, and I was yet to get blasted by the heat. Tears were streaming from my eyes on account of the friggin' ragweed, but I didn't care because the 1062's felt awesome! Not too plush, not too firm. Definitely a good first impression. By the time I dropped into the Park I was feeling great and didn't care that I was running well below the prescribed 6:00/km pace. I paid for this by about kilometre three, first with a stitch that would be my running parter for the duration, and then by the hill that would take me out of the Park back onto the roads. I ran the first 5km in 28:34 and was definitely pushing to hold the pace for the last km. The Garmin don't lie, and my HR was way higher than intended. I guess all I know how to do is "tempo" runs, but I have no idea what that actually means, just want to sound cool...
In the end, a great day! Hope everyone had a wonderful Saturday as well. Oh yeah, the cherry on the top: Red Soxs 0 - Jays 11!!! Oh yeah!!!
The google image of the run!
The other model that they recommended, in a response to an email I sent to their "ask the expert" thingy, is the NB 862:
Anyone out there wearing either one of these? Thoughts & comments are always welcome. I suspect my quest is unlikely to end tonight, and I will be faced with the prospect of "shopping around", a task worse that having my teeth drilled as far as I'm concerned. I suppose going to a brand specific store is giving me the hope that they stock more that the normal sizes of other retailers, but I have no way of knowing if this is actually the case (can't bring myself to call comment above). After reading Running Injury-Free a bit last night I at least have a semblance of explanation for why my feet grew by half a size in the last year or so: my rigid high arches may actually be loosening up from the activity! This is good news in an otherwise disappointing shoe-finding endeavor, and I'll take it! Hopefully tomorrow I can report on how my Saturday morning run went in my new treads!
Update: I forgot to wish Lifestrides good luck on his 1 Mile Challenge tomorrow! All the best in your quest to break 5:00 - that time is unbelievably fast, but you are so close and I bet you'll do it!
Labels: shoes
Labels: day off
Labels: day off, musings, name the artist
Labels: day off
Labels: weights
So I should go back to the paper and get this thing done so that I can enjoy a two-week break prior to embarking on my last course, for which my care factor will be at an all-time low, if it's possible to care any less for this 30 page lit review on civil society participation in the digital divide debate!!! (I jest a little since this stuff is interesting, but I'd rather be doing something else...)
On a personal note, a special thanks to those who have left comments on my blog! For a running rookie, and a blogging virgin, this gesture is surprisingly rewarding and inspiring. I love it! And am amazed at this community on the web. Someday I will run my first race like the rest of you have already done!!!
And here's the satellite image of the route I took.
Labels: running
Labels: musings
Labels: day off
I don't know how to get this map to show up as an image yet, but here's the link to the google satellite image of my run.
Labels: running
Labels: day off
Labels: running