Monday, August 25, 2008

Fun Day, and 6km LSD

Having promised Owen a full day at Ontario Place all summer, today I came through. Lots of fun on waterslides, rides, mazes, games, etc. Hard to pick out a favorite, but I really enjoyed something call the Atom Blast; it's this amazing indoor place with soft balls about the same size as a tennis ball that you can shoot out of canons of a variety of sizes. These things can fly, and even though I was repeatedly hit in the head by a gang of teenagers that took a fancy to aiming at me I was not hurt. I kept getting balls and loading up Owen's canon and he'd aim back at my "enemies". Of course I couldn't resist simply throwing a few balls here and there, and the teens thought this was a good idea. From that point on it was all-out war! We pelted each other as hard as we could until I was exhausted and had to leave. Awesome!

After the full day of walking back and forth accross this huge place I was bushed, but determined to try something out on my run. I now realize that the Garmin thing can be both a blessing and a curse. Being very competitive (these days only with myself), coupled with the fact that I know less than nothing about running (a recent realization arrived at through much reading), I have become a danger to myself with this watch. Going for an "easy" run is impossible if I can see my pace (as proven by my last run where I tried to go slow and had a HR over 90% of max for the last 2km). Therefore, I experimented by putting only the distance and HR on my display, then ventured out on another 6km run.

I walked for the first kilometre, then started into it. My goal was simple: keep the HR under 140. Although my brain was screaming for more information (I knew if I put the elapsed time on the display I would invariably work out my pace and start "racing" my previous efforts) I was able to keep to my target HR, though it spiked up to about 150 on a long climb that was about a half kilmetre long near the end of the run. Anyway, I don't know if anyone else has this same issue with the Garmin, but for me I have to use the power wisely or continue to wallow in aches and pains. Like I said before, Garmin don't lie:

The google image of my run.

Lastly, thanks to Marcy for the tip on setting up different folders so that I can share the Garmin with my wife! Much appreciated!

We're off to Prince Edward County with the boys until Friday to frolick on the beach and enjoy a few precious days out of the Big Smoke. Apparently the place we're staying at has wireless, but I am not sure if that's true. We'll see...



Blogger Marcy said...

ROFLMAO! Leave it to a man to like that kind of tennis ball blasting stuff. I'd be the typical Mom going "OMG you're going to hurt yourselves! Stop it!" HAHAHHAAHAA Sounds really cool though!

August 26, 2008 at 8:30 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Whoo hoo! Ontario Place sounds like an awesome and exhaustingly fun time for you and Owen. That ball blaster area sounds great.

I hear you on the pacing and trying to keep it slow, my recent post was on the same point. Great minds think alike. Repeat the BR mantra after me: TRAIN SLOW TO RUN FAST.

Have a great week at the beach.

August 26, 2008 at 8:38 AM  
Blogger Nitmos said...

I hear you on the Garmin Fever you are experiencing. I am soooo into Garmin numbers that I can never "jog" or run at a relaxed pace. It's viral and there is no cure. You can always say you are following the FIRST method though.

August 26, 2008 at 10:25 AM  
Blogger N.D. said...

That sounds like fun!! Cool about the garmin sharing too, neatoo!

August 26, 2008 at 10:27 AM  
Blogger Meg said...

I have the same problem with not being able to run an easy pace with the garmin. I guess my solution is if I'm serious about running easy, I'll take a walk break every mile to calm my heart rate and overall pace down.

August 26, 2008 at 1:15 PM  

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