Designing a Training Plan, and Weights

One thing I learned from my intervals of yesterday - I have a loooooooooooong way to go!!! This certainly puts fast runners like Lifestrides and Nitmos in perspective; "Too much! Too much F'ing perspective." - David St. Hubbins.
Got a short weight workout in tonight since I am going out for some beerverages with a friend I haven't seen in far too long. Feeling some ill effects of yesterday's intervals in the right (aka "wonky") ankle - achilles tendon is more tender than it should be. This tells me that it's really time to get new shoes, which I will hopefully manage to check out tomorrow night.
- 10 minute stationary bike warmup
- Dumbell Bench Press 15-10-10 50lbs,60lbs
- Hammer Strength Seated Rows 12-12-12 180lbs
- Dumbell Military Press 12-10 40lbs
- Lat Pulldowns 10-8 145lbs (this was harder than it should have been)
- Dumbell Alternating Biceps Curls 10-10 60lbs
- Triceps Kickbacks 12-12 15lbs (on the first rep my right tri cramped like a s.o.b.!)
- Ab Machine 15-15-15 125lbs
Now off to the bar!!! (Tomorrow's weigh in prediction? ... I don't think so!)
You know, sometimes going out for BEvERages with friends actual works in the training program....
I love me some FIRST plans. It's the only way I roll. Fits the fam lifestyle, ya know? I tweak them to my laziness, though HAHAHAHAA
Thanks for stopping by my blog! You have a great one too! I just ordered that book, I've heard great things about the FIRST plan and I'd like to give it a try once I'm through Chicago.
I think wondering whether or not you're a runner is really common. Laura's posts and the comments on this topic are really interesting. Check them out Part 1 and Part 2
Bulk up, schmulk up - I find that a light to moderate upper body workout with weights every four to five days keeps me looking and feeling better. I believe it also may help me run better and stay injury-free. But I have a body type where I couldn't "bulk up" even if I wanted to.
Yeah, I'm with BeachRunner - I don't have a "bulk up" kind of body. But high rep weight training combined with track workouts is a sure way to drop the body fat and get to your goal weight. Glad to see someone else reading the FIRST book - I'm using FIRST to the Finish for Philadelphia, will be interested to see how you do with your 10k - good lucj.
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