Day Off, "Going to Zoo, Zoo, Zoo. How about You, You, You?"

The knee is feeling better and better, though my hip flexors are so sore! I cannot believe how much these little muscles get worked out just by moving the legs around in a controlled fashion in a variety of ways. No weights or anything! I guess my coaches were right - I do have lead feet!!! The kick was NOT the best part of my swimming ability.
Anyway, I'm considering entering the Zoorun 10K on October 18th for my first running race ever! I think that will give me enough time to get through this knee issue and work my way up to the race. Being a complete running rookie I have no idea what to expect as far as racing goes. What is the etiquette, if any? Do people chat to you while running? Are they all just focused and talking to them is a big no-no? What is the start of the race likely to entail? (I'm thinking elbows and knees colliding. Lucky for me I am very sharp and pointy on both counts!)
I am not committing to this race, and will scout others that may be cool to do. But I must admit that the idea of having exotic animals cheering for you while you run by is very enticing... Oh yeah, and the kids will have something to do while their dad chugulugs around the Zoo. Here's what I expect to here at the finish:
Owen (6 year old): "Great job Dad... Can I have an ice cream?"
Malcolm (almost 4): "Yeah! Can I have an ice cream too? Dad? Dad? Dad? Daddy? You know whaaaaat? Uuuummmmm. Tigers, you know - tigers, they like to eat ice cream. Yeah, they do..."
Me (13 year old equivalent): "Help... Me... Up... Please... Must... Upload... Garmin... Data... Bones... Spock... Help... Me to get... Up... Must... Fight the urge to... Go... After the Green... Hot... Martian Woman... Stardate 2008-10... 1...8... Kirk... Over and... Out... Eat Bran Flakes... Stay Regular..."
Labels: day off
You should sign up, sounds like it would be fun for the whole family. Get the first race done and over with.
People don't usually talk when they are running, but sometimes you'll get some words of encouragement.
LOL. Go for it!
Good for you for wanting to race! SO awesome! That sounds like an excellent race, however I may suggest a 5K if there is one in the near future (ideally before the 10k). If not, go for the 10k.
In my experience, only the "stroller pushers" in the back talk. Most people are pushing lactate threshold and will puke if they try to talk (me! me!)
Avoid being at the front of the start and you will be a-okay. You are going to have SUCH a blast!
Go for it. You've got plenty of time. 10K was my first too. Chatting just depends on the crowd. Throwing elbows is a definite possibility.
Glad that knee is improving.
Haha, kids you gotta love em!
Go for it dude! i am doing a 10k in sept hopefully! I'm nervous but inspired!!
Sounds like a great Plan, and the zoo is an awesome first race...very cool.
Can hardly wait to hear about the training.
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