Stretching, Aches and Pains

As I sit here feeling guilty that I have not done weights since last Thursday, nor run since Sunday, I wonder to myself if my body will ever actually adapt to running. Reading other people's blogs is great, and very entertaining, inspirational, etc..., but I see little in the way of coping with aches and pains. Are these folks so adapted that they feel little pain in between runs? My calves are rock hard, no matter how much I stretch, and my ankle throbs constantly. I realize that the ankle issue is the result of much damage (no ATFL, no cartilage left, bone spurr, tendinitis, bursitis, etc.), but what about those damned calves? I need to invest in a hot tub...
In other thoughts, since I only recently started this blog, I wonder how others feel when they first contemplate unleashing their thoughts onto the interweb? I am hesitant, but curious about being part of the community of blogging runners who read each others musings and sometimes leave comments. I have left the occasional note in response to particularly interesting posts, but quickly realized that my profile was inaccessible and, therefore, so was my blog. Should another blogger wish to find out who this idiot from the North Country is, leaving unsolicited comments on their little web spot, they would not be able to. The anonymity is comforting to some degree, but with anonymity comes a lack of inclusion in the community. I have decided to make the tradeoff and now my profile is available for viewing! What the hell, into the deep end, crawl to the shallow and hope that the lifeguard isn't stoned...
Labels: musings
Hi there, Vava. Thanks for adding me to your blog roll.
It definitely takes some time for the body to adapt, though in no way does that mean I don't feel aches and pains between runs. I guess I just got used to them.
Make sure you stretch, massage the calves if they're really tight, take some naproxen after a run, ice and elevate ... all that good stuff. I'm sure you'll adapt too. Good luck with your running! Cheers!
Thanks! It's reassuring to hear that the aches and pains are normal. I guess when I was younger my body regenerated so quickly I never noticed any problems. It was acute injuries only. All the best!
BTW: I think you missed being the first to leave a comment on my blog by mere minutes, but I very much appreciate it!
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