Procrastinating, Icing, and Writing

It's probably the most perfect day (rainy, chilly) for me to stay indoors and work on my final paper for my second last grad course (yay!), and yet I continue to amaze myself with my penchant for procrastination (as evidenced by this post that I should NOT be writing). My knee is not so good, but not as bad as I thought it would be. After following a couple of the links left by Beachrunner411 on Lil Runner's blog, I realize that my left quad is WAY weaker than my right. This is very surprising to me given that my wonky ankle (perhaps to be explained in detail in a future post) is the left one, meaning that the right leg should have been the one taking most of the workload, thereby making it stronger. So, I figure my patella is being pulled out of its groove as a result of a weak muscle, and I have to wait for the pain to subside, then start strengthening it. My physio is in Beijing (go Canada Rowing!!!) so this is more self-diagnosis, but I think I'm on the right track.
So I should go back to the paper and get this thing done so that I can enjoy a two-week break prior to embarking on my last course, for which my care factor will be at an all-time low, if it's possible to care any less for this 30 page lit review on civil society participation in the digital divide debate!!! (I jest a little since this stuff is interesting, but I'd rather be doing something else...)
On a personal note, a special thanks to those who have left comments on my blog! For a running rookie, and a blogging virgin, this gesture is surprisingly rewarding and inspiring. I love it! And am amazed at this community on the web. Someday I will run my first race like the rest of you have already done!!!
Welcome to blog world and the bloggy chit chat about the agony and ecstacy of running.
Take care of your knee. One of the most important things in running is listening to your body.
Your body will let you know when you've had enough, listen to it, and it will reward you with years of running.
I had part of my patella removed years ago and it was the best move ever.
Go Canada!!!
Part of your patella removed? Yikes! Thanks for the reality check: I will rest today and play it conservative. Makes me queasy just thinking about it, but it's good that it worked out for you. Thanks!
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