Friday, August 22, 2008

The Quest for Footwear Begins!

Having convinced myself that new footwear is crucial to my running, I am planning on heading over to the New Balance Toronto store this evening to see if I can find something with tonnes of cushioning for my 12.5 sized canoes. No idea if they stock them, can't bring myself to call and be disappointed, plus I've never seriously tried New Balance shoes before so maybe a 12 or 13 will be right for me... Here's the model I'm really keen on for its shock absorption and high-arch accommodation, the NB 1062:

The other model that they recommended, in a response to an email I sent to their "ask the expert" thingy, is the NB 862:
Anyone out there wearing either one of these? Thoughts & comments are always welcome. I suspect my quest is unlikely to end tonight, and I will be faced with the prospect of "shopping around", a task worse that having my teeth drilled as far as I'm concerned. I suppose going to a brand specific store is giving me the hope that they stock more that the normal sizes of other retailers, but I have no way of knowing if this is actually the case (can't bring myself to call comment above). After reading Running Injury-Free a bit last night I at least have a semblance of explanation for why my feet grew by half a size in the last year or so: my rigid high arches may actually be loosening up from the activity! This is good news in an otherwise disappointing shoe-finding endeavor, and I'll take it! Hopefully tomorrow I can report on how my Saturday morning run went in my new treads!

Update: I forgot to wish Lifestrides good luck on his 1 Mile Challenge tomorrow! All the best in your quest to break 5:00 - that time is unbelievably fast, but you are so close and I bet you'll do it!

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Blogger B. Kramer said...

I don't wear those particular models, but I've been a New Balance fan since I started running. I have two pairs of 767s in my current rotation.

Good luck finding your pair.

August 22, 2008 at 12:55 PM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Good luck finding the right kicks. I am sure you know this, but obviously make sure you get the right size and width (they shouldn't feel snug in the store especially since your feet will swell a bit as you run).

August 22, 2008 at 1:43 PM  
Blogger N.D. said...

I've used new balance shoes in the end, but I've always started at a general running store and asked them to measure my feet and check out my current shoes and give me some ideas.. after I had them, then I ordered shoes online. I found then that I needed a neutral shoe and wide width. But they should also check for arches and pronation and all that. Good luck!

August 22, 2008 at 6:17 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Any luck on new running shoes??

Keep us posted!


August 23, 2008 at 6:57 PM  

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