This was one of the weirdest runs I've ever been on, that's for sure. All of yesterday my knees hurt. I'm guessing those
intervals were tougher on my body than I thought they would be. I took an ice pack with me to work both yesterday and today, icing periodically throughout the day. This morning the knees felt better, but there was definitely lingering pain in the right one going back to that
scare I had a week ago when crossing the street and hearing/feeling something pop. So, you can see why I was a bit worried that tonight's tempo run might not go so well.
With all that being said, I was determined to get the run at least started and took off at an easy pace. The original plan was to run 2k as a warm up, then run between 6 and 8k at tempo pace (4:40-4:48/km, of 7:30-7:43/mile), and finish up the rest of the 10-12k run nice and easy. Within the first few minutes of running I was worried about just being able to complete the run itself at any pace. The right knee, which was bothering me more than the left, felt OK, but the left one was really tight and hurt like crazy. It felt as bad as it did during my short run on
Monday when I had to stop every kilometre to stretch just to get through the first few splits of the 5k run. This time I also stopped after struggling through 1k and stretched. As I stood there wondering if I should try and continue or just walk home I had little hope of doing anything resembling a tempo pace.
After a couple of minutes I decided to try it and set off once more. My knee seemed to have responded to the short rest and it started to feel better, though not exactly great. I kept running until I had to stop at a red light, where I once again stretched for a bit. Upon starting up again I was surprised to find my knees warming up enough to allow a slight pickup of pace. I ran down towards the Queen Street entrance to the Don Valley trails, which brought me to almost 5k. Once on the trails I decided to try and go for it and picked up the pace to the desired tempo pace.
I was hoping to run for 6k at tempo pace, but told myself right away that I'd be pleased with making it through five. Let me tell you that by the time I hit 2k of the tempo portion of the run I was wondering if even 5k was going to be possible. As I continued down the trail I was dreading this one hill that I knew was coming up somewhere around the middle of the tempo part, but in the end I was able to crest it OK without dropping my pace out of the desired zone. After I completed the 5k tempo run I stopped running and decided to walk up the hill that is Beachwood Avenue given the knee issues. At the top I started jogging again to do the cool down portion of the run, and the knees once more seized up tighter than piano strings. It was not a pleasant end to the run, but I managed to complete the
12km run in
1:04:34 for an average pace of
5:22/km. The splits for the tempo portion were right on target:
- 4:46 (7:41/mile)
- 4:47 (7:42/mile)
- 4:42 (7:34/mile)
- 4:45 (7:38/mile)
- 4:35 (7:23/mile)
In the end, as painful as it was, I consider this a successful run. I just hope that my knees loosen up for my long run on Sunday.
Garmin don't

Labels: injury, running