A short recovery run that was more of a struggle than it should ever have been. The knees both felt tight, but the left one was definitely the tighter one. I had to stop a couple of times to stretch, and slowed down even more from my already slow slow pace. Then things started feeling a bit better, though not perfect by any means.
I ran
5km in a slowest ever for me
33:01:44 for an average pace of
6:36/km (10:37/mile). The heart rate averaged out to
128bpm - like I said, it was slow and easy. But one
wise man once wrote that there is no such thing as going too slow on a recovery run.
Garmin don't

Labels: injury, running
I definitely agree that there's so such thing as too slow on a recovery run. I really hope the knees start feeling better!
At least you know how to do recovery runs. I'm so very bad at them and I have to learn to slow down.
Yes, you need to take it easy on those knees. So they recover...
That's all I got today.
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