Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Getting Poked and Pricked

Yes, I know. The title doesn't sound very lovely, but that is what I was subjected to this morning as I went for the second of seven allergy shots and for the bloodwork that the Doctor ordered as part of my annual check up. I am not a fan of needles, but understand that they are a necessary evil. With respect to my allergies, the immunotherapy has been a major help. The bloodwork I could do without, however. It kind of makes me feel like they are stealing, seeing those vials fill up with the blood that my marrow worked so hard to create. I'll piss in a cup anytime, they can have that liquid for free, but shouldn't I get a cookie or something for my blood?

With that done, and feeling suitably violated, I managed to get to work a bit late and then (finally!) eat something after a 12 hour fast. (I'm such a lightweight when it comes to abstaining from food, I'll admit it!) I did make it out for a lunchtime swim at least, but due to the fact that I had less time than I would normally have I only managed 1500m in about 22 minutes and had to get back to work. Still, I've so far managed pretty well with getting in two swims a week since September, and I'm sure that will help with my running as I venture into my first full season of racing.

Tonight was more hip and ass exercises, and I am still feeling the runner's knee on the right side so I might have to (regrettably) skip the planned 5k tomorrow, but we'll see. I really have to stop feeling guilty when I miss runs due to aches and pains, but find this very hard to achieve. As a competitive swimmer I NEVER missed a practice, no matter what. Sick, hurt, tired - nothing mattered. I made it to all workouts all the time. Now that I am no longer in that competitive world I really have to stop thinking the same way...

But a tiger can't change his stripes, and I was born in the year of the tiger...

I also did some chin ups: 5-5-5-5-5 pull ups, 5-5-5-5-5 chin ups. The quest for 20 in a row has stalled in a major way, but someday I will get back to it.

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Blogger Andrew is getting fit said...

Snap on the Year of the Tiger. ;)

January 27, 2009 at 9:50 PM  
Blogger Jumper said...

So you're born in the year of the Tiger. This is what it has been written about the year for you.. Not quite a believer myself, but what it's no harm reflecting after getting poked and pricked..

"This is the year for keeping a low profile, tigers. Because of the slow pace of the OX year, it will be a frustrating time for you. You like things to be moved quicker, you will need to show restraint."

Your last entry on your commitments, is inspiring...
Good luck!

January 28, 2009 at 12:06 AM  
Blogger Lily on the Road said...

You have to go with what your body tells you. When you hurt, adjust but you don't have to "not do".

Swimming is probably the best thing in the world for your ankle...embrace it!

Oh, this weekend shows flurries and -12C with a mix of sun and "flurries", sounds perfect for a skate on the canal.

Drive carefully!

January 28, 2009 at 9:13 AM  
Blogger Marcy said...

I don't mind needles as long as I don't see them going in. Uggghhhhh it gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking of it.

January 28, 2009 at 1:01 PM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Nice job on the chinups, hip and ass work.

January 28, 2009 at 5:00 PM  

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