Cold in the Head
Today I woke up feeling not so great, but good enough to go to work and fit in a swim at lunch (and continue to spread the love via public transit). I was going in with a plan to swim 1500m, but also would cut it short if I started sucking chlorinated water. In the end I did do 1500m - 5X200m on 3:00, 5X100m on 1:40. As an added bonus, the water cleared my sinuses a bit. No such luck with my general snottiness clearing out the slow arsed swimmers from my lane though...
Perhaps tonight I will feel up to doing some other exercise related stuff, but I'm not counting on it. I am planning an easy 5K tomorrow and don't want to miss that.
I've got a cold too and it really does drain your enthusiasm somewhat.
oh get better soon Vava!
Ahhhhh the public transit. The gift that keeps on giving LMAO! Hope you start feeling on the ups my friend ;-)
Slow-arsed swimmers...that's good. Hope you feel stronger soon.
I've got a cold in the head, too. UGH! Hope you feel better soon.
Hope you get better soon, good job with the 100 m repeats!
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