Sunday, January 11, 2009

Baby Steps

The weather people forcasted "less than 1cm" of snow overnight, but we got a lot more than that! After shoveling the boys had a great time playing in the snow (though my photography skills leave a lot to be desired...):

After that I attended to many chores (cleaning both mone and Monica's bikes, fixing the front brake on mine which had seized from all the snow and salt, laundry, etc.). Not too exciting, and after a bit I was getting bored. My legs are pretty sore from yesterday's skiing, but this kind of pain is what I believe we all live for so I am happy. In response to the Happy Runner's question posted in the comments after my announcement that I'd accomplished the 100 push up challenge, my muscles feel fine. Since I was getting close to the century doing my max sets and didn't have to rest and try and have a go at it I really feel no different. I think I could have done the 100 a while back, but decided to keep trying to achieve the goal as part of the training plan rather than trying to focus on it as a separate thing.

Anyway, as I was saying I got bored this afternoon and decided to take my first steps towards getting back into running in over a month and a half. I headed out into the cold and snow not knowing what to expect, but I kind of thought of a 5k or so as a return, nice and slow of course. As I ran I felt pretty good and kept on testing the foot, where I still feel some discomfort. I think as long as I go really slow and focus on gradually building up the mileage at the expense of speed my foot will be OK. I think it was a combination of the wrong footwear and trying to run fast that lead to this injury, and now my goal is to run slow and steady and (eventually) long.

In the end I was having a great time but cut my run a bit short given my proximity to the house at the 4k mark. I managed 4.25KM in 26:12 with an average pace of 6:10/KM. Not bad for the first trial run of the New Year! It feels so good to be able to get back out there, and I am trying not to get my hopes up about running in general in case I have a setback, but I very much enjoyed this tiny run, snow and all.

Garmin don't lie.

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Blogger BeachRunner said...

Nice snowfall. We only got 2-3 inches down here, when the moronic weather forecasters were predicting 5-8 inches just the day before.

Great start to your running. Really great. Did I read that right?!? You actually said you are going to run slow and steady. Yah baby!

January 11, 2009 at 5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look at all that snow! I think you are going to be well on your way to being back with running. Taking it slow and steady is a good idea.

January 12, 2009 at 7:44 AM  
Blogger Nitmos said...

My kids act like the snow will give them leprosy. They'd rather stay in the house so I can yell at them, I guess.

January 13, 2009 at 11:12 AM  

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