Thursday, November 13, 2008

Without Limits (Except when it comes to facial hair)

Last night I watched the movie Without Limits. I picked it up on Tuesday while grocery shopping for $5! How could I lose, right? Naturally, I couldn't and the movie did not disappoint. I enjoyed it very much, though I would not call it cinematic genius or anything. I could have done without the whole college crush angle, but the race scenes were great and Billy Crudup is Pre reincarnate - the resemblance is eerie! My main impressions were that Steve Prefontaine was a tremendous runner (duh!), Donald Sutherland is great and still Canadian (duh?), Monica Potter shares a first name with my wife (duh?), and I can't grow a mustache so will never be able to play Steve Prefontaine in another movie about his life (d'oh!). Yes, that's the only reason why I couldn't play Pre. What? Lack of speed? No muscle tone? CGI people, C.G. friggin' I.!

(I do realize that facial hair is easily done with makeup, but that would cheapen the whole thing don't you think?)

Anyway, after that movie I am even more motivated to run, and visit Oregon again cuz the view from Bill Bowerman's fictional home was awesome! However, I am sticking to the new plan and did not run today. Instead, I made my way through the rain on my bike to the swimming pool for another lunchtime swim. The process can be summed up with "wet-dry-wet-dry-wet-dry". I sound like a broken record here, but once more the thing lasted 2000m in 30 minutes, and I am NOT getting any faster... Maybe if I could grow a mustache like Mark Spitz then I might be able to play him in a movie, and gain some speed? Hmmm... Damn lack of facial hair has been holding me down all this time and I am just waking up to these shackles! But at least I save on expensive razorblades. Is it just me, or are these things made of oil or something because the price of a set of blades has gotten ridiculous! I say they're the reason the economy is tanking like the Exxon Valdes, not sub-prime mortgages. Unless, of course, you have to borrow money to buy disposable razor blades...

This afternoon I was supposed to get another treatment at the chiropractor's, but they had my office phone number noted incorrectly and so I never got the message that he was sick. Two issues with this thing: 1. for some reason, to them my "4" looks like a "5" on the form I filled out (and apparently it's my fault!), and 2. they can't refund the charge onto my credit card for the prepayment I made for the session! Say what? Your swipey machine thing is somehow missing the minus sign or something? There is nothing that sours me more on a business than poor customer service. Good impressions last until the next visit, bad impressions last forever and some people just don't get that.

Anyway, tomorrow is another off day, and perhaps I will try to elaborate on my developing racing plans for 2009. If you haven't noticed, the list on the right side of this page is growing and I am getting more and more excited about the prospect of running lots of races next year. The question remains, how much is too much?

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Blogger Aron said...

i am having the same problems with 2009 - sooo many i want to do!

that really sucks about the charge - will they at least credit it to next visit?!

great job on all the crosstraining - it will pay off!

November 13, 2008 at 5:52 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You need to dawn the fake 'stash and go into that chiropractor's office and say "I am the great Pre, give me my money back!" Nobody can say 'no' to the great Pre.

As far as how many races are too many, just keep in touch with your body. It will tell you when you have done too much. Just make sure to listen well.

November 13, 2008 at 6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope the chiro office gives you a credit for your next visit. I hate annoying things like that.

There are so many races that look like fun, it is hard to choose. I am a planner and like having everything laid out, but with a 2year old, things change quickly.

November 13, 2008 at 7:21 PM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Nice movie review. LOL.

Maybe it's just me and my tough guy, NY attitude, but if it were me, I would have a hard time giving that (customer-service-comes-last) chiro office any more of my business. If they don't get real nice, real soon, I say eff them and find another chiro. How's that for me being a tough guy?

November 13, 2008 at 7:38 PM  
Blogger Marcy said...

I liked that movie as well. Not too bad ;-)

OMG HOW ANNOYING about the Dr's office. I'd be peeved. They best be giving you some credit for that ;-)

November 13, 2008 at 8:39 PM  
Blogger X-Country2 said...

I don't care how fast Mark Spitz was, the nasty looking stache isn't worth it. Trust me.

November 13, 2008 at 9:15 PM  
Blogger Ax said...

I loved that movie! That's what inspired me to go for my 5 minute mile.

And, I think mustaches look silly anyways.

November 13, 2008 at 10:30 PM  
Blogger FLYERS26 said...

That was a good movie. Cudrup was also really good in Almost Famous.

Chiropractor's stink, and I don't like'em! They have you hooked, and you can't break away from them.
I'm sure there are times I could benefit from them, but I refuse to give them my money. It's not like they are real doctors, ya know what I mean.

November 13, 2008 at 10:57 PM  
Blogger Marci said...

I'll have to check out that movie!

Find another chiropractor, that sounds unprofessional, and there's lots of them around.

November 14, 2008 at 6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, I wouldn't recommend eating like Michael Phelps to speed up your swims!

The fam, and I watched Saint Ralph -- about this kid who came in second at Boston back in the day. Absolutely delightful little film.

November 15, 2008 at 9:39 AM  
Blogger Felice Devine said...

Yeah, I really liked that movie, too.

Sorry about the chiro. A similar thing happened to me a few weeks ago with my regular doctor -- they claim they called to cancel but they never called my home or cell phone. It was pretty annoying. But, at least they hadn't charged me like your chiro did! That's super annoying!

November 15, 2008 at 8:35 PM  

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