Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What a Night!

An historic election in the US, and I am very pleased with the result. Being Canadian, and unable to vote, I was still pulling for Obama to win, and I was hoping he would do so handily so that there would be no questions over his legitimacy. It'll be great to see what his leadership can bring over the next four years, and, if worthy, four more after that. Canada could sure use an intelligent and charismatic leader as we haven't had one in a long long time...

Other than that I find myself wondering what to write about these days. I am in r'n'r mode, waiting for things to heal up, and am unable to report any running activity on what is a running blog. That being said, I am thinking that perhaps my foot issue can be attributed to footwear and am wondering if perhaps my New Balance shoes, nice as they are, may be doing more harm than good. More conscious than ever of my running "style", if you can call it that, I notice that these shoes force my foot to pronate more than the Asics I was wearing before. This can be attributed to the super shock absorbing material that is on the outer edge of the sole of the shoe, which does not compress very much. I guess it is normal to go through different models of shoes before finding the right one, or is it? I am considering ordering the current version of my Asics shoes and seeing if they make a difference. I say ordering, of course, because I am in the minority with my 12.5 size feet and must "special order" with a "down payment" anything that is not in stock. I have to find a store that carries all the major brands in 12.5 so I can actually try them on rather than working blind.

No activity today, but I am back into doing the ice water - warm water routine for the foot, which is good. In fact, I have to go do that now!

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Blogger FLYERS26 said...

I've ran in Asics for the last 5yrs or so, and love them!
I overpronate, and I run in the Kayano 14's!
I'm on my 2nd pair of them, and can't imagine running in anything else.
Don't be cheap on your shoes, they are the most important part of your running!

November 5, 2008 at 8:53 PM  
Blogger Legs and Wings said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog - please, return again.

Shoes are hard for me too. I have not had any foot issues or shoe troubles despite the fact that I wear a size 15. Nike may not be the preferred shoe of the running community but I like them just fine.

My wife logs more miles than i do and she has foot troubles. She now wears orthotics which help a great deal. It's a pretty frustrating process - trying to sort out the source of pain and suffering through.

I would recommend that you do a couple of things: Visit a good running store - like the Running Room. and let them hear your story. Let the 'fit' you. You can take it a step further and have a chiropractor or sports doc map your foot, your stance and stride. I have a buddy near London, ON who can do this for you. Let me know if you want some more info. It's what really helped my wife get back on the road.

November 6, 2008 at 1:45 AM  
Blogger Marcy said...

I agree with Legs And Wings. Find a good running store that will fit you for kicks. They take vid of you on a TM, watch, and then determine what kind of kicks would be good for you.

November 6, 2008 at 8:19 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Smart move to find the right kicks. They can make all the difference.

November 6, 2008 at 10:49 AM  
Blogger Steve Stenzel said...

Wow, those are big ole feet!!

And I'm happy with how this election went down too!! YAY!!

November 6, 2008 at 1:14 PM  

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