Friday, October 24, 2008

Friday Night Carbs

Yes, tonight we are ordering pizza and it's all good! It's movie night for the boys, and pizza just seems like a good treat for them and us as well. I unfortunately will not be able to watch the movie since I absolutely must start on a paper that I have due next Tuesday, but I will definitely have my share of za! It's a good thing that this is a slow sports night, an off day for the World Series as well as for me, or I'd have real trouble with the whole schoolwork thing. Did anyone else do a "what the f$%k" on the home plate Umpire last night or what? Talk about stage fright-induced incompetence!

Today I saw the chiropractor again and my foot is feeling better. I am not pain free yet, but if bodies heal in spurts I seem to have spurted in the right direction. If things stay like this for Sunday, it's all systems go, and if they improve, even better. Whatever happens it's going to be so much fun running with all these other people around! I find it hard to hold back when someone passes me on a training run, so I can't imagine what it will feel like to have hundreds of runners all focused and jacked for a fast pace taking off and racing!

We are prepped (is that a word?) for the cold wet weather that is expected on Sunday morning too. My wife went to the local Thrift store and picked out for me just a lovely sweatshirt that I can wear prior to the race, and discard at the last minute. I don't have the energy to find the camera to take a picture of it now, but no doubt one with me wearing it prior to race time will find its way onto this blog at some point in the next few days...

Lastly, good luck to all who are racing this weekend! In particular I want to wish my fellow GTA runner Marci a terrific marathon at Niagara Falls!

I'll try and blog tomorrow night after we arrive in Niagara Falls, but I don't know how reliable the free "high speed Internet" is at this motel we're going to be staying at, and I don't think I'll have anything to post about during the day that can't be summarized with the words "school" and "work" and "crap".

Until then, let's just hope it's not THIS cold on Sunday:

Oh yeah, one last thing: yesterday's post marked the century mark for me, so that's something I guess. Who knew I'd still be running and blogging!

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Blogger BeachRunner said...

Can't wait to see a pic of that sweatshirt. LOL. You will be so ready for the race Sunday. Good luck. Run strong, run hard, run fast my Canadian friend. And have fun the whole freakin way.

October 24, 2008 at 7:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...! Count me in.

Have a great race on Sunday.

October 24, 2008 at 7:52 PM  
Blogger Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

The word blogger required me to type to leave this comment was "cracisp", which, as you know, is French-Canadian for "racer". Or "racist". Either way, a good sign.

Prince Edward Island's fate hangs in the balance. I know you'll have a good race. Enjoy it, brother.

October 25, 2008 at 8:43 AM  
Blogger Nat said...

Good luck on Sunday. I'm doing a quick 10K, we'll see how it goes. Been a weird weird week. I'm hoping it doesn't rain too much.

Pizza... perfect Friday night fare. It's a tradition. Cookies, pizza... never met a carb I didn't like.

October 25, 2008 at 10:48 AM  
Blogger Frayed Laces said...

mmmm pizza.

Good luck with the work

October 25, 2008 at 1:02 PM  

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