Thursday, October 16, 2008

Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Before I get to my day, doctor and all, I just want to report that I have slain the beast Microsoft! After three days of hell, I have worked out all the technical obstacles that Bill Gates has set in my way, like a mean father who moves around the furniture and waits in the dark until you come home past curfew and bash yourself all over the place... If anyone ever needs help embedding multiple audio clips, sent to you in a myriad of formats, into a PowerPoint presentation so that the whole damned .ppt file actually includes audio, just let me know... I will save you much stress.

Now, I get a glass of scotch and continue. (Sorry FrayedLaces, but my abstinence did not account for Microsloth issues...)

OK, big swig later, and ready to blog...

The doctor checked me out, poked and prodded, watched me walk, and stand on my toes. The verdict: plantar fasciitis, but not a bad case all things considered. Apparently it all goes back to my g'damn hips! Man, everything seems to go back to my hip flexors and weak ass muscles. In short, my range of motion in the hip and pelvic area has forced my body to adapt and push off too much from the big toe on my right foot. The big toe was overworked, and as a result inflamed my plantar fascia. I will have another treatment tomorrow, and a few next week leading into the race and then things should be Happy McHapsHaps...

I managed a lunchtime swim today as well. 2000m in 30:55, and my arms felt like lead. I must admit that at the 500m mark I was having real trouble convincing myself that it was possible to not stop for another 1500m, but I persevered. My arms are likely tired because I've taken to doing sets of 30 push ups every evening: my own 100 push up challenge so to speak...

Tonight, after getting home and getting dinner started, I even managed a short weight workout. My wife had somewhere else to be at 7:30, so that didn't leave me much time, but I managed a decent quickie anyway. I didn't get any abs in, but I will maybe try to get some crunches done later on...

  • Bench Press 12-12-12 135lbs
  • Chin Ups 8-6-5-4
  • Dumbell Military Press 12-12 40lbs
  • Biceps Curls 12-12 60lbs
  • Triceps Extensions 12-12 60lbs

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Blogger Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

it all goes back to my g'damn hips! Man, everything seems to go back to my hip flexors and weak ass muscles. In short, my range of motion in the hip and pelvic area has forced my body to adapt and push off too much from the big toe on my right foot. The big toe was overworked, and as a result inflamed my plantar fascia

And :

My wife [...] didn't leave me much time, but I managed a decent quickie anyway

Man, you kiss your mother with that keyboard?

I don't know how it goes in Canada, but here in ... um ... where am I? ... Here in not-Canada, we try to keep it PG-13 at worst. Nobody wants these images in his mind.

Congrats on slaying M$! Careful - for every head you cut off, another two pop up. You cauterized the stumps, right?

Nice workout schedule. Are you training for an Iron Man competition? I'm running a 5k tomorrow, and know what I'm doin' today?


October 17, 2008 at 5:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now with a diagnosis you can get better! Guess you'll have to work on flexibility.

Nice job on the swim.

October 17, 2008 at 8:05 AM  
Blogger joyRuN said...

Wow - what kind of doctor did you go to? The ones I've seen would never have traced a PF problem all the way up into the hips? That's good alignment analysis!

October 17, 2008 at 9:15 AM  
Blogger Marcy said...

I'm so glad that you got some answers! YAY! Now start getting better already! ;-)

October 17, 2008 at 9:41 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Yay for the "weak ass" diagnosis. Cheers. [Clinking wine glass]

October 17, 2008 at 12:05 PM  
Blogger Nat said...

Always the hips. (I have the same thing. )

Ack. Good luck with physio and the chiro.

October 17, 2008 at 11:34 PM  

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