Monday, October 6, 2008

Treadmill Rears It's Ugly Head

Yes, tonight's scheduled run has yet to happen. Due to some family related duties, namely yet another curriculum night, I was unable to fit my run in before dinner. This is probably a blessing since I have eaten already, got some dishes done, and have had a chance to work on an assignment that I have to email off tonight. Now I thought I'd post a quick few words here prior to starting the bed time routine with the younger one. I am planning to run later tonight, but it looks like it will be treadmill for me for the first time in almost three months. I'll get to catch a bit of the Angels-Red Sox game at least, but I am not really looking forward to running in one spot for an hour.

The other thing that has me leaning to the treadmill is the tightness I have in the bottom of my right foot. I think it's from walking on the beach on Saturday morning, but I actually don't know why this is happening. I didn't do that much walking on the sand, though I did carry my 4 year-old for a significant distance at one point. I'm not too worried about this, but plantar fasciitis crossed my mind. I had this condition in the past, and it is not fun to treat since it takes forever to heal (ha ha ha, no pun intended). I think the treadmill may be easier on the bottom of my foot for tonight's scheduled 10k slow run, but we'll see. I may cut the run short if it really starts to bug me. I'll add the details about the run later...

Update: Marci's comment (something about admiring me for banging out the run on the shitmill) is much appreciated and was probably left right about the time I was contemplating my future career as a couch potato. This was quite possibly the most boring hour I have ever spent in my entire life! OK, that is likely not as true as truth since I can think of many family car trips that were worse than drilling teeth for pure agony, but this was close. I managed an hour at 6.3 mph, so I guess I "ran" 6.2 miles, or about 10k as planned. It took an hour, or so the display would lead me to believe, but I suspect that this is October 6th, 2009 and I have wasted a year of my life imitating a hamster. Hey, I guess the upside is that I've now crossed over into the 35-39 age group and am now the most spry of the category, ready to kick some 36 year-old ass!

The foot is sore, but it didn't really bother me too much so that's why I finished the 10k. The biggest problem I had was trying to adjust my form to the treadmill since what has become comfortable for me on the road just didn't translate to the mechanical torture machine. In fact, I think my knee hurts more than it has in a month right now, but I really hope that this is a temporary aftereffect and nothing more.

In short, glad to have done, going to avoid it like the plague. Maybe in the winter this is a viable option, but tonight, dark and cold, I probably should have hit the streets.

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Blogger Marci said...

Hope your foot is OK. Good idea to cut it short if it hurts. I admire you for banging out your run on the Treadmill!

October 6, 2008 at 9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope teh foot starts to feel better. Treadmill running is always hard and mentally challenging for me.

Hope you enjoyed the baseball game. My husband is a Sox fan. Needless to say there was a lot of noise in my house last night!

October 7, 2008 at 8:20 AM  
Blogger Marcy said...

ROFLMAO "shitmill" HAHHAHAHAHAA Yeah I like that!

Man, I hope that foot feels better soon.

October 7, 2008 at 10:54 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Take it from me, walking/running on sand can beat the S out of your tootsies. Rest, ice and stretch them and they will be fine in a few days.

October 7, 2008 at 11:48 AM  
Blogger Felice Devine said...

I hear you on the treadmill. Ick. But, better than not being able to get your run in when you really want/need to.

Hope the foot is OK.

October 7, 2008 at 12:12 PM  

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