Monday, September 29, 2008

8k Run, Trying to Hold Back

As per my last post, I am trying to ease back into running after taking a week off to let the ankle simmer down. Tonight I'd normally be going out for an 11k, but I changed the plan and shortened it to an easy 8k. After getting home from work I headed out into an evening that promised darkness by the time I returned. This time of year always gets me down a bit, and I wonder how running outdoors will work out in the winter when sundown comes at 5pm...

I walked for the usual ten minutes, and the ankle felt fine. I have taken to wearing a sleeve on that foot mostly to help reduce swelling and not so much for support, and so far the thing's been helping out. The blog proved its worth once more as I looked back to my last 8k run and, voila, had a ready made route all set up! Brain, I don't really need you tonight...

The start of the run is really my least favorite part, the body aching and trying to work out the kinks. I try and run as gingerly as possible through the first little bit, and I'm sure that to passersby I look like someone trying to cross a field of broken glass. Whatever...

The intended pace was 5:30/km as long as my heart rate was in the 150bpm or less, and I could tell that this was not going to be a problem. Even after taking the stairs down into Taylor Creek Park my pace was close to 5:30, and within another half k it was in the 5:20's.

The first 5k was done in 26:59, for an average pace of 5:24/km. The fact that the last bit of this section included the hill leading out of the park was gratifying, especially since my heart rate only went up to a reasonable 163bpm. In the past this hill put me in the mid to high 170s!

The last 3k was pretty flat and I was holding back a bit, wanting to keep that heart rate low, and I finished with a pace of 5:26/km and a total time of 16:18.

The totals for the whole 8k are: 43:17, average pace of 5:25/km.

Garmin don't lie.

The Garmin watch messed up or something and combined my run with Monica's from the day before. As a result I am not bothering to link to the google image of my run. I guess Garmin does f'up sometimes afterall! Perhaps it is also not so trustworthy, and I really am faster than it says? ...or slower.

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Blogger Marcy said...

Do I see 2 Garmins in the near future? LOL

September 30, 2008 at 8:19 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Nicely done my friend.

If only the Mets could have demonstrated 1/3 of your determination and competitive fire... [SIGH].

As the depression subsides, I begin to focus my attention on the Jets and on hockey with my usual near-insane devotion to the Rangers.

September 30, 2008 at 8:59 AM  
Blogger N.D. said...

Good job. Is the Garmin truly accurate? How does it work? I wonder why the ipod nike+ isn't accurate. Boo. Hope the ankles getting better! Way to be flexible.

September 30, 2008 at 12:46 PM  
Blogger Frayed Laces said...

Good job taking it easy on your ankle. Listen to your body!

September 30, 2008 at 1:01 PM  
Blogger B. Kramer said...

well done! I enjoy running at night in the winter. It totally helps stave off the seasonal affectation disorder. Just make sure you're visible!

September 30, 2008 at 2:20 PM  
Blogger Aron said...

i have been wondering too how the night time training will go as the days get shorter. i wont miss the heat but i will miss the daylight!

great job on the run!

September 30, 2008 at 7:50 PM  

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