Friday, September 19, 2008

Day off, Ankle Stuff, and Calorie Burning

Today is an off day for me: no swimming, no weights, and definitely no running. The ankle is perplexing me a little. Sometimes I think it's starting to feel better, and then I do something standing up for a bit, like washing dishes, and it swells right up again. I think that I'll go buy one of those support sleeve things for it just to keep the swelling to a minimum, not expecting anything else from the contraption in the "support" category. I have a proper ankle brace, but I actually think it did more damage than good when I was using it in my Ultimate Frisbee playing days. The more I used it the more my stabilizing muscles atrophied and eventually I was way worse off.

Tomorrow is supposed to be my first 10k run, but this is not to be. Instead I will strap on the old rollerblades and go for a bit of exercise that way. I remember reading in a cross-training for runners type book (the book is Runner's World Guide to Cross-Training) that rollerblading or skating is the best cross-training activity for running because it uses the mirror image muscles to running, those that tend to cause knee and IT band problems when you ignore them. My knee has been feeling better as I've been improving my hip flexor and glute strength, so this activity should not hurt. And yes, I will head home if I feel a twinge in the patella!

I also was checking on the calorie burning front with a calculator I found on the web how rollerblading compares to running, and it seems they are very similar (based on time spent doing the activity and not distance). Also, it looks like my 20k or so of biking each day from home to work and back again burns more than I expected (500-600 calories), which perhaps explains why I always seem to be hungry. (Isn't it lunchtime yet? I am starving right now!!!)

On that note, I am going to find some food. Have a great weekend everyone, in particular those taking part in races!

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Blogger Marcy said...

I haven't been rollerblading in FOREVER!! It's so much fun!

I'm sorry about the 10k but don't fret, you'll be back at it in NO time. 10ks are a dime a dozen ;-)

September 19, 2008 at 12:58 PM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Be sure to crank the '80s tunes, wear tube socks pulled up to your knees, and rock out on your blades. Sounds like fun.

September 19, 2008 at 1:14 PM  
Blogger Vava said...

BR: It's rollerBLADES not rollerSKATES!!! However, I'll take your fashion suggestions under advisement. The tube socks pulled up to the knees could be good for preventing muscle cramps... Hmmm, perhaps that's why Keith van Horn always wore them.

September 19, 2008 at 1:20 PM  
Blogger N.D. said...

hope you feel better - rollerblades are fun! enjoy!

September 19, 2008 at 4:47 PM  
Blogger Marci said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog. Roller blading is great exercise. I tried it once and was sore for a few days. It will probably make you a stronger runner!

September 19, 2008 at 7:46 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Oh my thanks for clarifying BQ...does this make me less of a runner not knowing what that means???


P.S. Have fun roller blading!! Be careful!!

September 19, 2008 at 8:13 PM  

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