Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Hurtin', Hurtin', Hurtin' 5k

What a bummer - I went out this morning for my usual Wednesday 5k and it was not good. The stomach issues are now a memory, but much more worrisome is the ankle pain that has returned with a vengeance. It's like I am reliving the same crap that happened two and a half years ago! I didn't go over on the ankle or anything, but it just started hurting and continually got worse and worse until I was seeing a surgeon and contemplating going under the knife. Now, I'm not ready to say that what I am feeling is the same as before since it is in a slightly different location on the ankle, but I can't help but feel very depressed about this whole situation. I brought an ice pack to work and will ice a few times today... Of course, I will have to rethink the whole running/training plan over the next few days.

As far as the run went, let's just call it "slow and painful" and leave it at that...

Garmin don't lie.

The google image of my route.

To perk me up a bit I made the mistake of searching google images with the keywords "ankle" and "injury"... I came up with the following on the first page of results and am NOT going further. Although I feel good that it wasn't me (the poor bastard! I expecially like that camera guy with the, "...That's a shame..." look on his face), I am now completely nauseous. There is not enough Pepto in this world to shock me back into coherence...

Also, if you want to watch Dean Karnazes run on a treadmill live (until 9am, Thursday, September 18th on Live with Regis and Kelly) go here. Can you spot the poo breaks?

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Blogger Marcy said...

(((HUGS))) Hang in there. Injuries stink. Rest up, give it some time and hopefully you'll be back in business before you know it ;-)

September 17, 2008 at 10:27 AM  
Blogger Progman2000 said...

That sucks, I feel your pain. Ice it up and cross train for a few days - good luck.

September 17, 2008 at 10:59 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

So sorry to hear that. RICE it, and hang in there. Give it some time and here's hoping for the best.

September 17, 2008 at 11:01 AM  
Blogger joyRuN said...

Ouch - hope it's a small blip easily fixed.

Good luck!

September 17, 2008 at 11:32 AM  
Blogger Julianne said...

hi! i love that quote by g k chesterton! :-)
and i hope your ankle feels better. it's always one thing or another, isn't it???

September 17, 2008 at 6:27 PM  

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