Thursday, September 18, 2008

Managing Expectations, Swimming, and Ankle Issues

My current ankle ailment has forced me to re-evaluate my running expectations. Looking back, I was sidelined for two years, unable to do any load bearing exercise while waiting for surgery. Then, I took things into my own hands and started to diligently stretch and strengthen the ankle to a point where I though doing a little bit of jogging was reasonable. As I continued to improve and my mileage increased I became more and more addicted to running, and over the past month have really pushed myself. In retrospect, the ankle flaring up should not have come as a surprise. I am still very disappointed and hope that I recover fast enough to make that 10k race on October 18th, but have also resigned to try (and this will take some effort) to be more realistic as far as expectations go. I am not wired to hold back and be happy with just the bare minimum, and I lost sight of the ultimate goal: the potential for playing sports with my sons as they grow up. Instead I started to think about how fast I could run. What a joke - I'm a swimmer not a runner, and should have known better...

On the swimming front I managed another lunchtime outing today: 1500 metres done in 500-400-300-200-100 sets with 30 seconds or so rest in between. All free, no kick. The weird part was getting hand cramps near the end! I haven't felt those since my swimming days, and then only when we had long sculling sets. I am really enjoying these lunchtime swims these days, in particular given that I have to stay off the ankle right now. On that front, the pain is not exactly getting better. I sure hope that I start to feel like it's healing soon or I will begin to worry about stress fracture issues, and those take a long time to fix.

Tonight the plan is to get back to the gym for a short weight workout as per usual. It's going to be tough getting this done since my wife has a meeting for this years Beavers (little scouts, for my 6 year-old) and those last somewhere in the waaaayyyy too long range (ie. 7-9pm +). If I get it in I will try and remember to update this post (for my reference, I realize nobody else is interested in how much weight I can lift...)

Now, back to another icing session!

Weights tonight:
  • 10 minute stationary bike warm up
  • Dumbell Bench Press 12-12-12 55lbs
  • HS Seated Rows 12-12-12 180lbs
  • Military Press 10-10 105lbs
  • Lap Pulldowns 10-10 140lbs
  • Dumbell Biceps Curls 12-12 30lbs
  • Triceps Extensions 12-12 60lbs
  • Captains Chair Abs 30-30
That's all I had time for tonight...

Also, thank you for the kind comments on this post. It certainly helps to put perspective on the ups and downs on training.

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Blogger B. Kramer said...

The good thing is that Oct. 18 is still a ways off. Let the ankle rest and you'll be fine. But yes, perhaps the goals need some adjusting.

September 18, 2008 at 4:29 PM  
Blogger Maggs said...

I hope the ankle heels. I've had problems with mine for years and after a very bad sprain this year I was worried it might mean surgery. See if you can find an ART therapist in your area. Mine did WONDERS for my ankle and I knew I waited too long to go see her.

September 18, 2008 at 5:47 PM  
Blogger Lily on the Road said...

Take care of yourself...remember we are doing all of this for "fun & a healthy lifestyle".

See how it goes and make a decision later the mean time, swimming will help it!!

September 18, 2008 at 7:04 PM  
Blogger Marcy said...

I agree with Viper. Oct 18th is still a bit away. Rest up and hopefully it will get better and if you have to make some adjustments so be it. We all have made time adjustments due to injury before. I think half the battle many times is just getting to the finish line healthy. Seriously LOL

September 18, 2008 at 7:45 PM  
Blogger Marcy said...

Sorry I meant "starting line" GAH! Where's my head at? LOL

September 18, 2008 at 7:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Take care of the ankle. Maybe more cross training will help. I think you will be ok for the race on Oct 18, but you'll have to listn to your body.

September 18, 2008 at 8:47 PM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

That sucks. I am sorry to hear that and feel for you. You seem to have the right "big picture" perspective on it. My feeling is if you recover to make the race, great, but ultimately who really cares about any single race. Your long term health and condition of your ankle is more important.

September 19, 2008 at 10:47 AM  
Blogger Ace said...

Hey what an awesome goal of playing with your kids! I really respect that! (And I can relate, they are fast!) As you suggest, giving that wonky thing some rest will probably do some good..

September 19, 2008 at 11:46 AM  

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