Sunday, October 5, 2008

At Least I'm Not a Cubs Fan

Although I liked the Cubs this year, I am somewhat thankful that I do not live as a Cubs fan. My sympathies go out to those that have suffered through far too long cheering on a team that finds creative ways to lose in the playoffs. But hey, at least they won their division two years in a row! The Jays haven't had a sniff of that since they last won the World Series back in 1993. But man do the Dodgers look good! This may be the best managing job that Joe Torre has ever done, and wouldn't it be something to see a Dodgers-Red Sox World Series, with Manny back at Fenway patrolling left field. Or maybe they'd play him at DH to deny the Boston fans the satisfaction of heckling him mercilessly... Either way, it would be interesting to see.

At least the Brewers won yesterday, staying alive for one more day against the much better Phillies who should take the series. One never knows what will happen should this go back for a fifth and deciding game, but I just can't see the Brewers beating Philly this year. I became a Brewer fan about a decade ago largely because they (at that time) had the lowest payroll in the Major Leagues. Now that they are better, it's kind of cool to have been a fan through some of the crappy years.

In much less interesting or saddening news, I seem to have come down with a bugger of a cold overnight. I woke up at about midnight sneezing like crazy and it pretty much hasn't stopped. I wonder where I picked this up? Oh well, I've been pretty resilient to colds this year, this being only the second one that I can recall, and that is unusual for me as I seem to be rather attractive to the cold virus and tend to get them more often that the average person. The best I can hope for is that it runs its course quickly, and I really hope I can still make my next scheduled run, another slow 10k tomorrow after work.

Sorry for the rather uninspired post today. I am physically and mentally drained it seems. Hope everyone is enjoying a happy and healthy weekend, and running lots!



Blogger Marcy said...

Tis the season for cold and flu. Totally stinky. I can't wait to see what my oldest picks up from school *sigh*

October 5, 2008 at 3:26 PM  
Blogger Felice Devine said...

Nuts! Sorry to hear about the cold. My little guy has had a runny nose all weekend -- I guess it is that time of the year. Hope yours clears up soon!

October 5, 2008 at 6:43 PM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Sorry you are sick. Hope you get well soon. The Cubs collapse and 100 years of suffering almost makes the Mets' misterable choke of a season look quaint. As a lifelong NY Ranger fan, I can still hear the chants of 1940 echoing through hockey arenas across North America (especially at the Islanders barn on L.I.) until they finally raised the Cup in '94.

October 5, 2008 at 8:16 PM  

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