Sunday, October 19, 2008

What to do? What to do?

Sunday finds me resting from all exercise, and doing the whole ice water - hot water thing for my foot. I hate to admit it, but will do it anyway: the foot feels worse today than I'd hoped it would, and now it's just a matter of making it to the race, running hard and preparing mentally for the pain that will likely set in afterward. My mantra will be "ignore the pain" for this first ever race.

As far as what I SHOULD be doing today, schoolwork schoolwork and more schoolwork. If procrastination was a sport I'd definitely compete, but alas it is not. I suspect many out there could give me a run for my money in that department, but I am still proud of my abilities in this area, which I've been cultivating for many many years.

So far today I've folded four loads of laundry, have a fifth in the dryer and a sixth in the wash (don't ask why so many if you don't have two kids, and if you do you know what I'm talking about), driven the boys across town to my Dad's place for the afternoon, dodged the Toronto marathon on the way there and back, picked up some awesome food in the Polish part of town, iced/heated the foot, listened (and continue to listen to) the Bills game, played some guitar, and am now blogging... I have to go back to my Dad's for dinner and to get the boys in an hour and I guess I should TRY and do some work now... blah!

Hope the weekend finds you all well, and have a great start to the new week tomorrow!

UPDATE: My wife just got back from her training run, and I am proud to report that her goal for next weekend's 10k (sub 60 minutes) has been attained today! She managed a 59:56, and I wasn't even there to push her or anything. She did admit to the value of Garmin as a motivational feature in training though. Get your own now that you too are addicted!

Her Garmin stats are here.

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Blogger KimsRunning said...

2 kids worth of laundry?? BAH...I LAUGH at the small pile of filthy clothes you have. I have FOUR kids. Try that laundry pile mister.

Anyway, nice of you to be helping out. So did I read correctly on GQ's blog that you're about to run your first 5k?? Ya gotta try the iPod thing!!!! Ask GQ about that!

And good luck to you in your first race!!!

RUN HARD. Harder than the 12 year olds.

October 19, 2008 at 3:56 PM  
Blogger Marcy said...

You're doing the laundry?!? HIGH FIVERS!! I don't think my husband has ever folded the laundry :P

Oy, I know what you mean. Since I hate having the whole lump at the end of the week, I just do 1-2 loads everyday. Totally stinks.

October 19, 2008 at 4:29 PM  
Blogger KimsRunning said...

Marcy is wayyy too organized for me. Besides, I neglected to mention I have a 22 yr old daughter who is OCD and can't stand seeing laundry pile up. I know, I'm a lucky woman.

Also, I keep threatening to quit one of my 3 jobs so my husband is a great helper too...LOL. That sounds worse than it job is 2 nights a week, 2nd job is a few days at the YMCA (which I'd do for free, but don't tell my supervisor) and the 3rd is my own sewing business. I make my own hours for that.

I am a "run when I feel like it" kinda runner by nature. Gotta be or I wouldn't run at all.

And cheers to YOU!

October 19, 2008 at 4:45 PM  
Blogger KimsRunning said...

Shoot, I forgot to ask you what kind of music you play with the guitar. My coach is a singer/songwriter too. His link is on my blog. He's awesome!! He's indie/folk.

October 19, 2008 at 4:57 PM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Hope your foot feels better soon. But I am not sure the "folding" therapy will speed your foot's recovery. Yay to Mrs V on her great pre-10k result.

October 19, 2008 at 7:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Schoolwork is drag. Right now, I am collecting data for my thesis. I am not looking forward to analysing it or writing my last chapter. However, I need to get this all done sooner rahter than later. I am sick of paying for school!

October 19, 2008 at 8:15 PM  
Blogger Frayed Laces said...

I never used to be a procrastinator---until I began blogging.

October 19, 2008 at 8:17 PM  
Blogger Felice Devine said...

Nuts! Sorry to hear that the foot is feeling worse. Keep up the therapy -- hopefully it will be OK for the race.

Congrats to your wife on the good run!

October 19, 2008 at 8:23 PM  
Blogger Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

Whoa. 6'4" - check.
Librarian - check.
Borderline-compulsive laundry-doer - check.
Guitar-player - check (if you also suck at it, DOUBLE-CHECK. Please confirm)
Self-Punishing Runner - check

Vava, you and I should really coordinate our movements, brother, because if we ever meet, one of those cataclysmic matter/anti-matter things-blowed-up-real-good dealies might happen.


The iPod thing Kim refers to is simplicity itself - you make a playlist that is as long as you want your time to be. Make sure you know which songs are last on the list, so that as you near the finish line, you'll know more-or-less how you're doing.

I used this technique in my 5k and it worked for me.

But you have this Garmin thing ... I'm not quite sure what that is. But extrapolating from your posts, I think he's a little space alien that only you can see who pops up every now and then to give advice. Like the Great Gazoo on The Flintstones or the Great Gazoogle on the Interwebs. Am I close?

So you might not need the relatively low-tech solution of gaming your iPod. But, hey, it worked for me.

October 20, 2008 at 5:10 AM  
Blogger Glaven Q. Heisenberg said...

I should make it clear - credit where it's due and all - that the iPod trick was Kim's. I just stole the idea.

I should also make it clear that, in my mind, Garmin, when he pops up, has a Giant head with antennae and speaks in a pseudo-English accent and irritates you and your wife by calling you Dum-dums.

I pretty much nailed him, didn't I?

October 20, 2008 at 9:09 AM  

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