Movie Night with the Boys
On the running front I have no news. The foot is sore, but mostly from the plantar fascia that the good doctor rubbed the hell out of yesterday. I am looking forward to finding some new shoes since the more I think about it the more I am convinced that my current pair is not helping matters, but rather exacerbating the problem. Also, thank you all for your kind comments that reinforce the idea that the right footwear helps to prevent injuries. There are some articles out there about the myth that expensive running shoes are better than cheap ones, but these "studies" are debunked by some sound arguments. In the end, a cheap shoe may work for you, and if so then great. It's kind of like a good cheap wine to a wine drinker - if you like it then the lower price just makes it that much better, but has nothing to do with the taste.
My boys want me to pick up Kung FU Panda on DVD, when it comes out Sunday. They loved it when they saw it at the theater.
One of the father's I know from my son's school, was training for the Philly Marathon, and had to drop out because of the plantar fascia.
Sure am glad I don't have that ailement! Good luck with it, hope you get better soon!
Glad you found a movie you all could enjoy. Hope the foot starts to feel better. I heard things for and against expensive running shoes and cheaper ones. I think you have to experiment with shoes and when you find one you like stick with it.
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