Intervals, with the wee ones in tow
I went a bit further, and after 1200m started in on my intervals. My initial plan was to do 5X400, but I thought I'd play it based on how the knee was feeling. Between each 400 I jogged a full lap to recover. The splits were 1:41, 1:36, 1:36, and 1:37, and I had to dodge lots of people arriving for some kids soccer games, as well as my own son who jumped out near the end of the second interval to give me a hug - I was really close to putting my knee in his face, and that would have ended in the local hospital for him and the doghouse for me! In the end I ran a total of 5k in 27:27 and then walked the rest of the way home. I must admit that the knee felt better than expected, but I almost bailed after the third 400. I'd like to think it was only because of the knee, but it was as much because I was dying. I decided to do the fourth interval just because I was curious to see how much I would die. The split was similar to the others, so maybe I wasn't pushing as hard as I could have, perhaps protecting the knee... In any case, even though the distance is short this felt more like a workout, and that was a welcome change from the easy 5ks I've been limiting myself to doing.
Great job! How nice that the run turned in to a family event. For me, seeing my daughter run and how fun she thinks it is makes me smile.
Great run - famiglia-style. I love it.
That's cute that the little peeps want to be with Dad!
YOu rock!! I don't think I could ever pull off intervals with the kids. My kids are a nightmare LOL
I'm following a marathon program that includes a track workout once a week, which coincidentally is on Wednesday for me, so I was there too yesterday. You 400 pace is pretty close to mine. Love track workouts (although I do mine sans my two kiddos).
Thanks for the shout out on my Trek 950. It's a matter or pride that I keep that steel beast which will probably outlive me. But I have to admit, I get a lump in my throat when I look at some of the new titanium tri bikes (lucky for my Trek I can't afford them :) )
Great job on those 400s. I'm sure my kids would love to come to the track with me, too, but they're not the type to just run around and play on their own. So I probably wouldn't get much of a workout. They do love to run, and we are always having races around the house. I can't wait till they're old enough to be on a team. That'll be so much fun.
Nice job on the intervals! I think I would have to get up at 4 am to run sans in peace!
Great intervals!! Fun with the family too!!
I am doing a 10K sept 20. Not as fast as you dude but i will get the job done!!
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