Back in the Pool
Well, I've gone through a week of being bounced from the Graduate Services office to my Faculty and back again just to find out that, indeed, I am no longer considered a student and, therefore, my membership at the athletic centre was inactive. It turns out that they are refunding me half my tuition (for the Winter term), which is nice of them and all, but then they will charge me, in a separate transaction, a "balance of degree fee" that is about $300 more than the refund I am so generously to receive! What a Fruitin' joke!!!
Today I decided to go back to the pool and buy a membership as a 1st or 2nd year alumni, which entitles me to a reduced fee. You can imagine my surprise when I was informed that I was not eligible for this reduced membership fee since technically I won't "graduate" until June, and so I have to pay a different alumni fee, which is more than the 1st or 2nd year alumni fee (where I should friggin' fit in since I JUST FINISHED!), but at least a little cheaper than the "anybody off the street" fee. My question, which resulted in a stonefaced dumbfounded look on the three robots behind the counter, is how can I be considered an alumni when I haven't technically "graduated", but not a 1st or 2nd year alumni when their own system tells them that I just finished my last course in December?!?! Naturally, they came up with zero by way of explanation. The best I can come up with is that you can be considered an alumni by this fine institution even if you drop out (probably so they can send you letters begging for money), but when you "finish" is only determined by the School of Graduate Studies and their confirmation of convocation.
Long story short, I paid for a 4 month membership, rented a "non-student" locker (and had to move all my crap for fear of them cutting my lock within seconds, a warning the robots were quick to administer), and swam 1500m in 22 minutes.
The other upside of the membership is that I will have access to this fancy new outdoor race track when the snow melts, where I will be able to do some speed workouts when I get to that point in my running plan. It should be soft and cushiony to run on this:
Labels: swimming, UofT sucks
I swear schools and universities make things way more complicated than need be. The track looks amazing!
Wow that is major league dumbassery.
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