Friday, February 20, 2009

7K Home from Work

Had a great run home from work again today, though it was super painful at one point. This rarely, if ever, happens to me but at about the 2k mark I got this massive cramp in the right side under my ribs. It really slowed me down and I contemplated stopping and letting the pain subside for a bit. I didn't end up stopping and managed to change my breathing pattern enough to make the pain slowly go away. While it was going away it moved to the left side, but mercifully never became as intense. I was carrying a fairly full and large backpack with all my work stuff in it, so maybe that can explain the stitch, but somehow I doubt it.

Anyway, after the cramp went away I was able to get back to a nice pace and finished the run strong. I managed the 7km in 36:05 for an average pace of 5:09/km. My slowest kilometre was 5:30 (thanks for nothing, Mr. Stitch!), while my fastest was the last one, which ended up being 4:37. It's kind of intimidating to think that even at that pace I would not BQ! I'd have to run 4:36/km for the entire marathon in order to qualify, and that really puts the whole Boston Qualifying accomplishment in perspective. Naturally I am not in line for this achievement, but it was fun to run almost fast enough for a whole kilometre.

Garmin don't lie.

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Blogger Love2Run said...

Cabbagetown? I thought that was just a nickname but there it is on Google. Sometimes stitches will go away if you change your breathing pattern by exhaling when landing on the 'other' foot.

February 20, 2009 at 7:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I occasionally get a stitch when I run. Seems to be no rhyme or reason to explain why it happens...

February 20, 2009 at 11:11 PM  
Blogger Andrew is getting fit said...

I read on another blog that the author only got a stitch when they hunched over. Maybe you are doing that with the backpack?

February 21, 2009 at 1:42 AM  
Blogger Vava said...

Andrew: Good tip! Thanks. I will pay more attention to my upper body form next time I run with a backpack.

February 21, 2009 at 8:09 PM  

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