Friday, October 19, 2012


I've neglected this blog. There's no way around it. I've been about as successful at posting running related updates as A-Fraud has been at hitting this month, especially against right-handed pitchers. In short, not very...

However, as my body allows I will endeavor to record my running progress here as I still believe it is a good way to not only keep track of things that are good, but also to remind me of things that lead to bad. I'm injury prone, though I hate to admit it in such stark terms. I prefer to say I over train, am overzealous, hate sitting still, etc. But that's just tiptoeing around the truth, isn't it?

So, because this blog was an outlet for me as I attempt(ed) to become a runner I'm posting an update. Why? I've actually been running a little bit!

Won't bother with real details. My Garmin is still safely tucked away somewhere, battery completely dead after more than a year of non-usage. I'm running (probably better to characterize it as "jogging" actually, but I do NOT hop around at red lights and some would say that's what distinguishes a "runner" from a "jogger". Discuss?)

I've stopped massage therapy as I started to get the feeling that I was firmly into the billable hours portion of the program and not getting any better. Instead, I've started to weight train my lower half with the same principles that helped eliminate a lingering case of runner's knee from my right leg a couple of years ago. It's been almost four weeks and things are definitely improving!

This week is a testament to that improvement. I've run every day (5 so far), really easy, really slow, and averaging just 20 minutes/run. Sometimes I'll join my youngest on his daily ten minute runs to school then jog back home before proceeding to bike to work. (I don't force him to do this, BTW. He has declared from the first day of school that he wants to do this and has been true to his word. Usually I bike beside him, but I absolutely love it when I can run with him.) Sometimes I grab the older one and we go for a nice jog so that he can get in better shape for his basketball efforts. Sometimes I just go on my own. Whatever the case, it's been slow and fun!

Five days in a row. Easy. This can't possibly end well...



Blogger Nitmos said...

Well, welcome back to running, wonky ankle and all!

October 23, 2012 at 12:36 PM  
Blogger Vava said...

Thanks Nitmos! And good luck in NYC!

October 24, 2012 at 2:58 PM  

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