Happy Hippy
But I digress. The last near-month has seen some interesting developments in my groin region, though it's not what you (or I) might like to think it is. First, I've been to told to try "running", and so I have. Not often, mind you. But a few times. Three to be exact.
The first time I did a walk-run thing for fifteen minutes around the neighbourhood. I can barely remember what happened, but I do know that my right Achilles was not pleased with my attempt and hurt like a s.o.b. for the next week. The groin thing was tight, but not what I could describe as painful. Verdict: meh.
The second was this past Saturday when I ran over to a park with my older loin-fruit to play a bit of catch. Ten minutes there, the aforementioned catch, and five minutes back. Not the walk-run method or anything! Verdict: stoked!
The third was this past Sunday when the clan ventured to a park on the Ottawa River and I was joined by my lovely Wife (for the first bit) and my younger loin-fruit (for the duration). We ran on trails and that is so much more enjoyable than concrete in my opinion. Perhaps the novelty will wear off, but given that I don't really have access to trails I doubt it. Anyway, we ran for fifteen minutes straight, then walked for quite a bit at which point the loin-fruit said we should run back to the car to play some catch. So, we did, for another five minutes (he only wanted to run on the "soft" trails as his feet were hurting from all the "hard surfaces"). Who was I to argue! Verdict: fun!
Final tally: three runs, one Achilles tendon ailment, and some progress in the groin region. After this past weekend my right calf is tight and I should probably be concerned, but I don't give a shit because I got to actually do some running, slow as it was.
Anyway, the other thing to mention is that I had a bone scan last week. Still waiting on the results. Hope it actually reveals something. I have a sneaking suspicion that it will do no such thing...
If you want to know what a bone scan is you have access to all that the Internet will allow. I'm too frustrated with this whole process to help you out beyond including a hyperlink to something that MIGHT be correct, but probably is misleading in some way.
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