Monday, September 12, 2011

Twiddling My Thumbs

Holy crap! It's been over a month and I haven't posted a single thing. Well, as you can well imagine, the reason is simple: no running, nothing to post. My groin injury seems to be worse than even I'd anticipated and I am still very much suffering the effects. I've been diligently working out in the weight room (sans legs) and sprinkling in rowing machine and indoor cycling workouts as much as possible. The most frustrating part, since I've long ago gotten over the disappointment of not being able to run, is the fact that I can't work on my leg strength at all. My biggest weakness is just getting worse as I wait for this stupid injury to go away.

But waiting is simply not working. So, tomorrow afternoon I am seeing my physio for the first time in over two years to get to the root of the problem. I'm also seeing my GP to rule out any other issues that may be hindering my body's ability to repair itself.

Other than that, it's all upper body all the time, and at least I'm getting stronger. The whole body fat percentage thing I let slip over my holidays in August, but I'm getting back on that wagon and am still well under 10% for what it's worth.

Here's hoping my next post is not sometime in October...



Blogger Nelly said...

I was actually about to post on your blog last week since I hadn't heard from you in a while. Sorry to hear the groin is still an issue. I know groin injuries are one of the hardest injuries to heal (because it is so easy to aggravate). Bummer that you can't keep up with leg strengthening exercises, I now realize how important these are to staying in good shape.

Good luck with the injury, and hopefully you are back out there soon.

I still can't run yet, but I feel like in general I'm headed the right direction, even though some days I feel like I take a step backwards. It's like riding a rollercoaster. I remember that you said you were battling runners knee for like a year off and on, so right now I am at about 4-5 months or so. Hopefully I'll be back on the roads sometime.

September 12, 2011 at 2:41 PM  
Blogger Vava said...

Thanks for the comment! It is true that I struggled though runner's knee for more than a year, but my case was perhaps less debilitating than yours in that I was able to run through it, just very slowly. Keep up with the leg strengthening and that injury will be a thing of the past in time.

And you're spot on about the groin injury being easy to aggrevate. I've done that more than a few times over the past two months, the worst case being when I slipped off the dock jumping into the lake a couple of weeks ago. After that both side have been hurting!

September 12, 2011 at 3:21 PM  

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