Thursday, September 29, 2011

Making Due

My "recovery" is going better than what happened to the Red Sox and, to a lesser extent, the Braves last night. Which is to say it's shitty, just not as shitty as what happened to those teams. The other similarity that I'm forced to admit that we brought our malaise onto ourselves. I didn't pay attention to the signals that trouble was a-brewin'. The Red Sox didn't pay attention to that humbling force called hubris. And the Braves didn't pay attention to their young pitchers' innings pitched. In sum, we are all in our respective predicaments for a reason.

Anyway, the other problem in my neck of the woods is that I injured my wrist on Monday in the weight room. This has forced me to miss one day of weight training this week (Wednesday), but also had the added effect of forcing me to get back on the weight training of the legs kick. I'm throwing caution to the wind and will find out what this will do to my groin/lower ab ailment. I'm secretly hoping that this helps.

I am starting very (VERY!!!!) conservatively, mind you. And even so, my legs are sore after two workouts (Tuesday, Thursday). Tomorrow might be another off day, which I despise, but I need to rest this wrist as I am still holding out hope that I will be able to play golf on Saturday.

Reports on my exploits at the tournament might find their way onto this here blog if I self-destruct spectacularly, or figure out a way to play this silly game and actually do well.

Option 1 seems more likely to happen. I'm planning on being 9 shots up with 3 holes to play and still lose in honour of the Red Sox.

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Blogger Nelly said...

Hilarious post with all the baseball and Red Sox references!

Though I hope you are back to normal soon with your injury.

That is really weird that the MRI didn't show anything abnormal. Though sometimes it is hard to see everything on a MRI.

Thanks for the comment about the age thing on the Chicago Marathon bib, it just seemed like they were giving away too much info simply through the mail. I'll email them now about it.

October 5, 2011 at 6:59 PM  
Blogger Scott McMurtrey said...

Agree with Nelly -- sorry about the injury, but funny write-up. :)

October 6, 2011 at 6:23 PM  

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