Monday, August 8, 2011

Spin Cycle

As I wallow in the self-pity that invariably accompanies the enforced absence of running due to injury I have decided to diversify. If it "works" in the world of investing (and I certainly hope YOUR portfolio is diversified because the markets are going down the crapper faster than Tiger Wood's sponsorship contracts) I figure it should also work in the world of recreational exercise keeping fit staying healthy land.

So, Sunday morning I drove (shudder!) to the gym for my first Spinning class. I did not know what to expect and I was a bit nervous about how my groin injury would react. However, given that I bike to and from work every day I was fairly certain that the actual motion of pedalling would be OK.

The room was dark, the stationary bicycles looked expensive, and I was a bit out of my league with running shoes on unlike some others who had come prepared with cleats. Nevertheless, I identified myself as a newbie when the instructor asked, nodded politely when she said, "if you find this tough just back off and spin easy through the difficult sections. This is going to be a very challenging session."

She didn't exactly know who she was talking to as I take that kind of trash talk as a personal affront. Back off?! I don't know the meaning of the term.

We started off into a nice warm up with some crappy music and I was into the beat right away spinning quickly. Good times.

Then we went into a series of five different sets that included fast "racing", hill "climbing", virtual competitor "catching", and general sweating to some more crappy music.

Did I have fun? YES! Was it a tough workout? Well, I made sure that it was since I think in these types of sessions you make it as tough as you want it to be. In any case, whenever I did a quick check of my heart rate in the recovery periods it was around 150bpm so I think I got more than just a good aerobic workout. Next time I will endeavor to bring my heart rate monitor to see what actually happens throughout the entire session.

But no matter what I will definitely do this again. It was, at the very least, a nice alternative to indoor rowing...



Blogger Nitmos said...

Damn, you sure life the 'wonky' lifestyle, don't you?! Well, it takes some real intestinal fortitude to keep on truckin' as you do. So, good on you for that!

And this is the last time I reference your intestines, just so you know.

August 9, 2011 at 3:46 PM  
Blogger Nelly said...

Sorry to hear that your injuries haven't cured up yet. Sounds like your groin still has some trouble. Hopefully you are able to do your fall marathon, if you are healthy I think you will do great. I guess just try to stay busy with cross training to stay in shape the best you can.

I'm starting to feel a bit better, but still not at the point of running yet. But I think I am getting closer. I'm getting tired of swimming, that is just not my forte. And other people at the pool seem to know that, haha

August 15, 2011 at 4:33 PM  

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