Sunday, December 12, 2010

You Spin Me Right Round

Boy, did I ever NOT want to go for a run this morning! The weather forecast was for snow and rain and when I woke up I could tell it was half right. You can't hear snow falling, but you sure as hell can hear rain (especially if you have skylights, which we do). On top of that I could also hear the wind. There was lots of that too, just to add more crap to the crappy mix.

Anyway, I'd been thinking that after three solid weeks of running I am due for a nice recovery week and I was very close to starting that a day early. However, whatever makes it so that I am riddled with guilt if I miss workouts got me dressed and into the great outdoors for my long run.

Within minutes I was soaked and the front of my pants stuck to my legs like glue making running a bit more challenging. The wind was from the East and that's the direction I chose to start for obvious reasons. For whatever reason I decided to stick close to home and chose a large section of the neighbourhood to do some loops, therefore breaking up the wind in the face running a bit. However, this also made the run particularly boring and mentally more difficult than it should have been.

That being said, I'm glad to say that I persevered and ultimately had a decent run. I managed a soggy 16km at a nice pace of 5:09/km (8:17/mile). With this run my weekly total went over 50km for the second week in a row and now my yearly mileage has crossed above 2200km! (To be exact I am future gazing from my suped up and flux capacitored Delorean and sit at 2203.25 kilometres, and well into the Middle Ages as far as Imperial goes at 1369 miles).

As I noted above I am going to force myself to take a bit of a break in the form of a down week. Although my body is holding up well I know from past experience that running up the mileage for more than three weeks in a row ends more often than not in injury for my wonky body. It will be difficult to hold back, but I'm trying very hard to look at the big picture that includes two goal races next year, one of which will hopefully be a BQ attempt in the Fall.



Blogger Ace said...

Way to get out there! That is some tough running conditions...grats on some extreme mileage numbers!

December 13, 2010 at 10:12 PM  

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