Friday, December 10, 2010

Double Double, Hold the Cream and Sugar

This shoulder injury, which finally seems to have turned a corner and allowed me to do a light upper body weights session on Wednesday, has afforded me the opportunity to do more two-a-days than ever. And I've been liking it! Makes me wonder if I will ever get back to doing three upper body strength training sessions per week ever again...

But that's another story. Today found me dragging my ass out of bed slowly and still making it out for a decent recovery paced 5km run. The snow will be coming to T-Dot today and over the weekend and with it warmer temperatures have arrived. I was treated to something just below freezing and it felt warm!

Then, at lunchtime, I went for another test of my hoped for 30k pace. Last week I did this steady-state run and managed to complete 20 minutes at 4:30/km pace. This time I was planning to go for a bit longer. As I walked to the gym I had my doubts that I would be able to complete the session, but was determined to grin and bear it. I was very tired for some reason that I'm sure has nothing to do with my six year-old waking up at 2am a couple of nights ago and the School Christmas Concert that went down last night and pushed things later than normal after a couple of hours spent in a stuffy gym that smelled more and more like and armpit with each passing minute. Nah, that couldn't be it!

Once on the treadmill things went quite well and I was pleasantly surprised to find that this time around the pace did not seem as arduous. Here's the breakdown of my 8km (5 mile) run:

DurationSpeedPace (miles)Pace (km)

Another small step towards my goal of qualifying for Boston next Fall!

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Blogger Nelly said...

You've ran some impressive treadmill workouts recently! Sometimes it's hard for me to run really fast on the treadmill, because I'm almost scared of going too fast and either falling or getting injured because the treadmill is going faster than my legs can keep up with =) Because running outside you can only go as fast as you can run =)

My sweet spot is around 7.5 to 8.5 on the treadmill, much faster and I start to die quickly, haha

December 10, 2010 at 7:13 PM  

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