Wednesday, December 1, 2010

A Must Read for All Runners

No, not my blog (I'm not deluded), but rather a paper published recently by a smart guy who researches things that I can't understand at two little known places with no prestige called Harvard and MIT. Have you heard of them? Paper mills, I suspect...

That aside, it's still important for any marathoner, whether would be or experienced, to understand what their body is capable of on race day. More to the point, an answer to the all important question of what pace can I run in order to make it to the finish without "hitting the wall"?

Well, Mr. Rapoport has come up with a mathematical formula to answer that very thing. And if you don't like math he's taken it upon himself to also set up a web based calculator* to help you figure it out and still keep your sanity intact. (Where does he find the time!)

And if YOU don't have time to read the things he's taken the time to type out you can listen to the podcast that alerted me to this wonderful research (thanks again Dad!) here, or download the mp3 version here if you want to combine your next training run with some grey matter exercise.

Oh, and you're welcome... What this means, of course, is there will be less people staggering along at the end of your next race that you can blow by with an overinflated sense of satisfaction. But only if they read the stuff, and reading, as we all know, is really difficult unless it comes in the form of 140 characters or less, which invariably means that you are NOT reading this sentence or anything past the first paragraph...

Where was I? Oh yes, my legs are weak...

So, to give you a glimpse of what you should already know I must now REALLY concentrate on getting my legs not only stronger, but also bigger. Why? What, you haven't clicked the links and become wise in the ways of glycogen stores and wall hitting avoidance?! Sheesh...

Now onto some squats:


Stupid science...

* The calculator is some JAVA based thing that doesn't seem to load on my computer. Now, I like my JAVA as much as the next guy, preferably with one sugar and two cream, but do I really need to replace my 2004 laptop to make this thing work? Bogus. And yes, I am using Nitmos' red asterisks thingy here. And no, I am not ashamed...



Blogger blotka1234 said...

... i'm sure this info will work towards your future successes, Vava!

December 1, 2010 at 12:47 PM  

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