Tuesday, April 14, 2009

T-Ball Practice for the Littlest One

This evening was Malcolm's first ever T-Ball practice, and it was a blast. I really hope he enjoys playing this year and has a great time while learning all the important things - sportsmanship, sharing, cheering, making mistakes, getting better, etc. He's so cute (though I recognize I am totally not objective here)!

(Gotta love that ready position!)

As far as my situation, the cold is almost gone. I say almost because it is lingering in that ultra-annoying stage where I feel like I am constantly in an airplane and my ears just won't pop. Even swimming this afternoon at lunch didn't seem to help much. I managed 1500m in 22:42, but the airplane seems to work under water for some strange reason.

After the T-Ball practice I managed another strength routine consisting of 3X50 crunches on the yoga ball, 3X35 push ups with the yoga ball, 3x8 chin ups without any yoga ball. This is a short and sweet routine that seems to be working pretty well for me. I absolutely have to involve some leg strengthening stuff, but given that I have a lot of exercises and stretching to try and cope with the plantar fasciitis and (to a lesser extent) the lingering hip and runner's knee I can't really start anything right now. Tomorrow I plan on heading out for a nice 5k and if my body cooperates I would like to pick up the pace a little bit for at least a small portion of it. Less than three weeks to go until the Sporting Life 10k, and even if I am running this one for fun only it would be nice to go a bit faster than training pace.

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Blogger FLYERS26 said...

Enjoy t-ball. Remember to keep it fun for the kids, they have a short attention span, especially for a slow sport like baseball.
My son moved up to "A" ball, or coach pitch.
Good work on the workout after t-ball! You'll be good to go for the 10k race!

And thanks about Harry the K. He was a class guy. I met him once in '93 and he couldn't have been nicer. It was very sad, since I had just listened to him over the weekend, and he sounded fine, you knew he had just had a procedure, but they never released what he had done, until after he passed.

April 15, 2009 at 7:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

He looks so cute with the hat on backwards! Glad you are feeling better.

April 15, 2009 at 7:37 AM  
Blogger Marlene said...

Aw, what a cutie!

We were watching some home videos on the weekend and saw a few of my brother's t-ball games from back in the day. The kids are just so cute when they're learning. I'm sure he is going to have a blast this season, and you too.

I'll be at Sporting Life - looks like it's going to be fun this year!

April 15, 2009 at 8:32 AM  
Blogger Felice Devine said...

Very cute! I hope he really enjoys t-ball!

April 15, 2009 at 9:00 AM  
Blogger Lily on the Road said...

He is a Jay in the making!!

April 15, 2009 at 12:36 PM  
Blogger Ace said...

Out of curiosity, what does the plantar f. stretching routine consist of exactly? Good luck coach!

April 15, 2009 at 12:40 PM  
Blogger Vava said...

Ace: I've been meaning to do a whole post on my plantar fasciitis battle royale, so your question will be the kick in the pants that I need to actually do it. Thanks! Stay tuned...

April 15, 2009 at 12:44 PM  
Blogger Andrew is getting fit said...

Kids are great eh!

April 15, 2009 at 11:05 PM  

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