A Rare Morning Run
This morning I dragged myself out of bed and went out for an easy 5k in below freezing temperatures. Does this count as my first official winter run? Who knows, but it wasn't that bad and the run felt pretty easy save for the first kilometre, which I took at barely a jogging pace in order to get the blood moving. Here's where the Garmin dumbness comes in: I forgot to reset the watch from Monica's run the day before and the thing thought I was just adding distance to her 15k run! For a moment I thought the watch was frozen from the cold and wasn't moving, but then realized the "time" wasn't stuck at 2:02 (minutes and seconds), but rather was displaying the hours and minutes that elapsed from the beginning of Mon's run. No secret here, she's likely getting her own 305 from Santa...
As mentioned above, the beginning of the 5k was really slow and my first K took 6:24 to complete. After that I settled into a nice pace right around the 5:30/km mark and finished in 28:34 for an average pace of 5:42/km (roughly 9:10/mile).
The only issue with this run was that I didn't have time to ice afterwards, and my foot felt a bit tighter than normal all day. Nothing to worry about, but I might have to leave even earlier to work that into the plan if I am to do more of these dark morning runs.
Garmin don't lie.
Here's the running route, combined with Monica's 15k as a result of my Garmin SNAFU:
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Nice job getting an early morning run in. I am struggling to get back to it. And cold for me means ~10* F ABOVE freezing. LOL.
Good for you getting up early to run. I will start doing this... SOON! :)
Nice job getting out of your nice warm bed and running in some cold weather! Hope the foot is feeling better today.
Great job on the COLD morning run. I wish I could do that. I really, really do!
Nope, that is not a first winter run, not yet. Winter running is when it's -25 with 35 mph winds!
Now THAT'S Winter Running!!
good job on getting out in this balmy weather! LOL
Nice job getting out in the cold and figuring out that Garmin. I think I would have treadmilled it. Keep up the great work.
My wife did the same thing with our Garmin, starting it at the end of one of my runs. It created a very interesting map because my run was 40 miles from where her run was.
Below freezing - I would consider that a winter run for sure, no matter what the calendar says.
I was up also! And it was cold!
But I agree with Lily, this doesn't count...its gonna get much worse :)
Ummmmm yeah! Anything below freezing DEFINITELY counts are your first winter run LMAO! But Lily says you're in for colder weather so I don't know . . .hehe
Better to have "Garmin inadequacies" than other inadequacies of you know what I mean.
Good for getting out and running. I love morning runs once I drag my weary butt outta bed.
Thanks for visiting and the kind words about my marathon. It was a long day...hopefully in 2 weeks-it'll be much better!
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