Friday, November 21, 2008

Getting Bumped

The makeup lunchtime swim did not happen because of a high school swim meet that was going on. I didn't even think of checking the schedule online, so live and learn. I got bumped by a bunch of high schoolers!

We watched The Polar Express with the boys tonight, and enjoyed it very much. We've had this movie out before, but for one reason or another I'd never watched it. Both of my guys really liked it, but the younger one especially since he didn't remember watching it a couple of years ago when he was only two. Now that he's four he really understood the movie and was riveted throughout the whole thing even though it ended way past his bedtime.

The only exercise I managed today was push ups as part of that whole getting to 100 by Christmas thing. The sets went 22-30-20-20 and then I maxed out at 46 to end the first week of the plan. Tomorrow morning I'll be heading out for an easy 8k, and then we're off to pick up the "new" car. I received a call from the dealer today to update us on the results of the safety inspection, and was pleased to hear that the tires did not pass so they put a new set of Michelin's on for us. I must admit that even though it was obvious as anything that the tires were pretty much devoid of tread I was expecting the mechanic doing the inspection to pass them. Perhaps I have become too cynical or something, but used car dealers have a bad reputation and this experience seems to be the exception to the rule. They also changed the wiper blades, did an oil-lube-filter job on it, and although they couldn't fix the cable that runs from the lever by the driver's seat to the trunk lid in time, the part has been ordered and once it arrives they will install it for us. So far I have nothing but positive things to say about Pickard Lane Leasing of Bolton, Ontario. I just hope the car proves to be a good one.

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Blogger N.D. said...

That's a great movie! Who swims in the middle of the day for high school?? That's weird. Oh well. Have a good weekend!

November 22, 2008 at 9:08 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Good luck with the car, I am sure it will be great for you.

November 22, 2008 at 11:07 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Our boys love that movie, especially this time of year.

November 24, 2008 at 11:07 AM  

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