Thursday, September 4, 2008

Physio Knows Best, and Weights

So, I got the verdict from the physio and luckily the recipe does not call for a halt to running, at least not just yet. It would seem that I have two major issues that I have to work on, and both will take a bit of time to correct. In fact, I will be working on these forever I suspect! The first is weak muscles in the hips and ass area. (My wife has told me that she will no longer call me "Jackass" or "Dumbass", but rather "Weakass". Can you feel the love?) I have several exercises to perform daily to try and correct this assue. One of the exercises is particularly fun as my butt cramps up after about three seconds, and I'm supposed to hold it for sets of 15!

The other issue is inflexible ankles - very little dorsiflexion (lifting foot up towards shin) leading to an inability to absorb shock properly, which gets sent to the next joint up the chain, the knee. This is the problem that will be hard to fix since I am genetically built with little ankle flexibility in this direction. As such, I will be building a special contraption made of plywood this weekend to help in stretching out this area. When this project comes to fruition I will post some pics for your viewing pleasure...

The other thing that is kind of fun are these things:

Yes, that's right: Prickly Boobs! I am to stand on these things in a variety of ways performing several exercises in an effort to improve the sensitivity of my feet, or something to that effect. They are supposed to be somewhat excruciating (well, maybe that's a strong word, but they hurt the physio when she was showing me the moves) for most people to stand on, but for me they are a pleasant sensation, which is why I am supposed to "activate" the sensory thingamajigs on the bottoms of my feet. Don't understand how this will help the knee, but it should help the ankles and feet. Plus, I can wear them at Halloween!

So, I can keep running as long as my knee pain does not get worse or start to last throughout the entire run. The physio also showed me how to tape the knee in case I was interested in relieving the pain entirely while running. I am considering this, but am afraid to do more damage while pushing myself too much when not feeling the usual knee pain. We'll see if I use this taping thing, but for the moment I choose not to. At least my quads are OK and my IT band is plenty flexible, and this shocked the hell out of the physio! I like to do that whenever I can.

Did some weights tonight. Nothing too much different from the regular routine. I will be starting swimming next week, and have rented a locker at the athletic centre to store my stuff in. Now I will have no excuse to miss it once it becomes more of a chore than a novelty.

  • 10 minute warm up on stationary bike
  • Bench Press 12-12-12 135lbs
  • Seated Rows 10-10-10 140lbs
  • Military Press 10-10 105lbs
  • Lat Pulldowns 10-10 145lbs
  • Dumbell Biceps Curls 12-12 30lbs
  • Dips 12-12
  • Hip Adductor Machine 15-15 130lbs (this one proved the ass weakness for sure)
  • Bicycle Crunches 50-50-50
Oh yeah, one last note. I weighed myself again: 194lbs! I'm wasting away! A couple more pounds and I'll have to hit the DQ for a Blizzard treat - YES!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like your wife's comments! Glad to hear the issues can be fixed. What crazy looking things you have to stand on! Nice job on the weight lose. A DQ Blizzard sounds delicious!

September 5, 2008 at 7:47 AM  
Blogger Marcy said...

ROFLMAO spikey boobs! You know, that thing looks like it would be heavenly on the feet. Man I want one LMAO!

September 5, 2008 at 8:46 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

That is good news from the physio. Cool prickly boobs. I'm with Marcy, they look like they would give a great foot massage. I want some spikey boobs of my own for foot and back massages.

September 5, 2008 at 11:47 AM  
Blogger Lily on the Road said...

So, this is the start of your Halloween costume is it??

Glad to hear that everything is starting to come together for you...and good job on the weight loss...

September 5, 2008 at 2:24 PM  
Blogger N.D. said...

Good luck!! Sounds interesting! Yoga and stretching so far has been helping me out.

September 5, 2008 at 6:17 PM  
Blogger Sonia said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! Great to see another Canadian lost in the middle of all this. What was your original ankle issue?? I think I have something wrong with mine too. Used to be PF and now neuromas too....

BTW congrats on the weigt loss!!

September 7, 2008 at 12:18 AM  

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