Thursday, November 1, 2012

If I didn't have bad luck...

It's the story of my life. Everytime I seem to be at something resembling "healthy" I manage to F things up. Case in point, I've been running almost daily in the recent past, doing my best to go easy and not go too many times past twenty minutes at a time. Life is good, right? Weight training is going well. I shake things up, keep it fresh, continue to get stronger in places of weakness and at the very least maintaining an acceptable level in areas of strength. But, as has been my experience, when things are going well that's when I'd better be on the lookout for good ole' Murphy and his fucking "Law".

In short: I fell down the stairs and messed up my elbow. Nothing broken save my pride. This was yesterday morning. Today I'm feeling kinks in places that are not elbow in nature: neck, right knee, the ubiquitous wonky ankle, ribs. There's probably other crap that is masked by the pain of the parts just mentioned.

Nevertheless, as is also the case, I try not to let this stuff hold me back. Hit the treadmill for a 30 minute jog yesterday at lunch given that my usual weight training routine was not going to be possible. Not the best feeling run to be sure, but I felt better while running that I do just sitting here typing.

This morning I ran with my youngest one to school and then back home alone. Missed the last few days of these commutes due to Sandy, but I really like that he's open and willing to continue running to school! 20 minutes was what it ended up being. Right where I want to be.

Here's hoping my luck changes when I approach "healthy" next...

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