Monday, October 29, 2012

Hold On Tight!

The "perfect storm" is coming. I think Toronto may be spared, but the East coast is definitely in trouble. For the runners out there, in particular those preparing for the NYC Marathon set to go this coming Sunday, this is not good news at all. More importantly, it's just scary how much havoc may be wreaked along the coast and beyond. You'd better hold fast!

As far as yours truly is concerned, we've had shitty weather here for the past few days and things are not going to improve before they get worse. I ran seven times last week (twice on Thursday to fit on both offspring, off day on Friday). Everything was fine and I kept each run really easy save for Saturday's jaunt where I ran for 26 minutes (longest time on the road yet in this, the most recent version, of yet another one of my pattended "comebacks") and picked up the pace a tad. On Sunday I dragged my older son out into the crappy rain and wind for an easy 20 minutes. He apparently lost feeling in his legs and contracted a massive ear and headache in the process, but I still say it was worth it. Which of his teammates or so called "competitors" were out there, I asked? Nobody was a stupid dedicated as we were! Yay!!!

Today might be a forced off day as the City is under the threat of a major wind and rain warning, or somesuch. We'll see. I may just go anyway. Out into the wind and float back, right?

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