Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Another Race Coming Up (Out of the Blue)

Today was clearly not as exciting a day as yesterday on the workout front, but I DID register for a race that previously I had not even considered running. I ran it a couple of years ago and, for some unexplained reason, I navigated to its website and was surprised to find that the race had not yet sold out. That's crazy since it is a very popular race. I guess they've increased the number of runners or something. Whatever the case I now will be running the Toronto SportingLife 10k down Yonge Street on the morning of May 1st with what is advertised as 15,000 other people. It will be a good rehearsal for the Half Marathon that goes on the 15th since both use Yonge Street as a major part of their routes.

Should be fun! I likely will run fairly easy, but there is a good chance that I will improve upon my PR in this race, which would be cool.

As far as the day went, I got up rather slowly just before 6am and went out for what turned out to be a fairly decent, if a little stiff, 8.5km run. My legs are sore from Monday's leg workout at the gym and I'm not particularly surprised by this, just wish I could recover faster after my leg sessions.

Then at lunchtime I went to the gym and did a fairly fast but good back and shoulders workout that resulted in the much sought after difficulty in lifting my arms to wash my hair. It was just what I wanted!

And not to be outdone by the three workout day I decided that I would run to and from a coaches meeting for my younger son's 5-pitch league and so combined for a nice 4.5km there and 4.5km back for a total of 9km. I was just running slow and easy (and had to make a pit stop at the beginning of the second run at a local fast food establishment for GI issues, which I know all runners can relate to) and the funny thing is that the two runs were less than 1.5 seconds apart in total! Neat.

The total on the day was a tidy 17.5km.

Tomorrow it's back to more leg weights and no running. Here's hoping I can actually DO a lunge, let alone add weight to the process...

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Blogger Nitmos said...

It's nice knowing that a PR should fall if you just show up and run how you know you can. I have one of those whenever I decide to do my next 10 too!

I've never done the 2 a day (or more) running thing. Good to see you knocking those off so consistently.

April 8, 2011 at 1:01 PM  

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