Friday, April 1, 2011

March 2011 In Review

It was the worst running month I've had since my calf surgery and subsequent comeback, and I am happy that I am now looking at March 2011 from the rear view mirror. I could wallow in self pity and do the whole "what could have, should have been" thing, but I prefer to look at the positives.

I ran a smart training run at the Around the Bay 30k despite all the setbacks.

I still managed to go over 200km for the month, thereby maintaining my goal of hitting at least this (arguably pathetic, but still a decent) number for every month in 2011.

Cut and paste is my best friend, and so here are the details of a March to forget:

18 runs, that's it?! Dang.

Today, for the first time since I can't remember, I can finally say that I am feeling almost normal. Last night I ran 7km nice and slow, but the last few clicks I felt like I was running through yogurt and had no gas whatsoever (the good type of gas, I had some of the bad type, which may explain the lack of some of the good type, but it was the run that allowed me to go over 200km for the month so that's gotta count for something, right?). What a sentence!

And on that note...

Happy April to all!!!

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