Sunday, March 14, 2010

Another Successful Week

So far so good in 2010. Two weeks done in March and I'm still on track with the whole "plan". Today I ran a really easy and steady 16km trying to keep to a low heart rate plan that I learned about through Andrew over in New Zealand. The idea, at its most basic, is to keep your heart rate under a specific number of beats per minute that roughly is calculated by deducting your age from 180. For me that meant I had to stay under 145bpm.

After the first two kilometres where the Garmin gave me the usual messed up data, telling me I was averaging 167bpm and maxing out at 205bpm, I hit my goal. I don't know why the Garmin does this, but I wonder if it's a battery running low thing. Though if that were the case wouldn't the entire run be compromised?

Anyway, I ran into the wind for the first half of the run and with it on the way back. My heart rate stayed pretty much consistent in the mid 130bpm range, with a few hills popping it up into the 140s. Overall, even with the funky first two clicks, I averaged 139bpm at a pretty steady and even, though slow, pace of 5:56/km.

I am happy with this run. And with another weekly total of 40km, just shy of 25 miles.

This week is another week where I will try to get up over 35km of running, but I will be trying to keep it slower than this past week. The two 8km runs around 5:00/km pace have left me a bit more sore than I would like, and so I want to just keep the mileage plan intact while I keep any faster running confined to the future.

And on the blog technical front it seems that my comments are coming back. I thought initially that migrating away from FTP publishing lost all of that data, but it just took a while to sync up or something...



Blogger The Laminator said...

Thanks for your comment on my post. I think you're right...I need to find some time to put all the gizmos away and run just for the fun of it.

It looks like your running is going very well. Congrats to you!

March 15, 2010 at 9:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So glad to hear things are going well with the running. Keep working it and listening to your body.

March 16, 2010 at 12:56 PM  

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