Sunday, February 28, 2010

Month 2 In The Books

February is at an end and it's been another successful month on the running and exercise front for yours truly. The short and sweet recap goes like this:

  • Ran 128.6km, averaged 32km per week (goal was 120km, 30km per week).
  • Weighed in at 193.0lbs (started the month at 195.5lbs).
  • Didn't miss any runs while listening to the ole creaky body.
  • Continued weight training and am seeing improvement everywhere, especially core and leg strength.
Like I said, successful.

For the month of March the goal is to average 35km per week, which will require a total of 155km of running. Now that cross-country skiing is over it means that I don't have to do back to back days of running more than once per week, and I think this will help the knee feel better. The plan is to run Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. As long as I continue to be smart about how much, how fast, how soon, and all that, I can't see why the coming month can't also be a success. The knee will determine whether or not I will be able to incorporate some better pacing, or just stick to the slow and steady routine that's been working okay so far this year.

Now I have a tonne of laundry to catch up on after two weeks of Olympics taking over my life. So what if Canada didn't win the overall medal count - a record number of Gold Medals is pretty sweet! Going from being the only host nation to not win a Gold Medal, and doing it twice, to holding the record for most home Golds in a Winter Olympics as well as most Golds ever in Winter Olympic history is not a bad consolation prize indeed.

And that hockey game was one hell of a way to cap it off!!!



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