Sunday, March 7, 2010

Say What?

Seems like Blogger is deciding to throw a wrench into my otherwise mundane blogging world and is telling me that FTP publishing will no longer be supported as of May 1st. I don't know what all that crap means, but it sure smacks of effort.

I'm not a fan of effort. Especially when it is required of me! I would like to keep this little spot of mine on the web going, but if it it starts to look like more than the least amount of attention is required then it will be difficult to justify. I think I'm far enough along in my running to stay motivated without the need to update the blog and such, but it still provides a good reason to ensure that the runs get done. At least I have until May 1st to figure out what all this means...

As far as effort goes, this past week has been the highest mileage week to date since last Summer when I went down with injury. After a nice 7km on the treadmill on Tuesday, I did the usual walk to work and run home thing on Wednesday where I added another 8km to the total. On Friday I stayed home with one of the kids who was suffering from a fever and so I took my run outside at the end of the day for another 8km. On that one I managed two things: 1. I wore my new Asics GT-2150s for the first time, and 2. I put in two faster kilometres, the first at 4:27/km (7:10/mile) and the second at 4:21/km (7:00/mile). These felt pretty good actually, and my heart rate did not go up as high as I though it might, so I was quite pleased with the effort. My ankle was a bit sore on Saturday and so I gave myself a full day off. We took the little one to the Toronto Zoo while the bigger one was away at Winter Camp.

Saturday night the little one went for a sleepover at my Dad's so that I could take the wife out for a nice dinner to celebrate her recent birthday. Let's just say that the dinner was AWESOME and I ate a tonne, with a few drinks to boot.

Sunday morning I woke up with a small headache and slowly dragged my ass out the door for a planned 15km run. I ran from home down to the lake and out around the Leslie Spit. As I was running out on the Spit I realized that my run would either end up being a bit longer than planned or I would have a few kilometres to walk at the end. I decided to just keep going, and stopped running at 17km not wanting to push it any further. I only had a half-kilometre to walk the rest of the way, and that was probably a good thing.

The total for the week was 40km, which is a nice round number if I say so myself. I should probably run a bit less this week to give my legs and ankle a bit of a break, but if things are feeling good then I might inch up towards the same total next week.

In any case, I am on track to average 35km for the month of March, as planned.

Now off to my Dad's to rescue the small loin-fruit...



Blogger Jen Feeny said...

Great job on the run Friday! How'd you like the 2150's? I trained and ran Gasparilla in mine and I think I am in love! :)

March 8, 2010 at 2:14 PM  

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