Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Early Morning Jog

Without any plan I, once again, on the spur of the moment, went out for a short run this morning. I would think that if I was to do anything more than the 3k that I ended up running then it would have never happened. But I'm happy to just be getting out there for these short runs. My body seems to be responding OK as well, though I have a long way to go as far as leg strength goes.

In any case, the weather was pretty much perfect for a morning run: +9C and a bit wet, though not actually raining while I was running. It's been a very mild month and it's nice to be able to take advantage of the weather as I get back into running on a consistent basis.

Now, with the run finished, I am faced with taking both of the boys, and myself, for flu shots this evening. Happy Wednesday!



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