Sunday, June 14, 2009

Puttin' In The Distance

This afternoon has us all at Owen's baseball games. Yes, gameS. He's playing a double header, and yours truly is the bench coach, tasked with the duty of keeping the 7 and 8 year-olds on task. In short, win or ride the pine!

With that being said, I had to get my long run in this morning, and the weather could not have been better. As I took off a little after 7:30am the thermometer at our house read +15C, it was sunny, and no wind to speak of. The plan I came up with for my marathon training called for an easy 14km, but I had a mind to run a bit longer if I felt up to it. After all, I was going to go slow and my body needs to get used to staying out there for long periods of time. Now, I realize that the distance I ended up running is not that long, but one has to start somewhere.

I kept a nice even pace and even let a couple of middle-aged women pass me at one point without letting my ego get the better of me and send me into a faster-than-necessary pace. I also spotted a little bunny rabbit at one point, and at another nearly stomped on a chipmunk that run directly in front of me. Cool!

In the end I managed to run 16km in 1:35:01 for an average pace of 5:56/km (9:33/mile). My average heart rate was 141bpm, though the last five or six kilometres spiked it up a bit as my muscles started running out of glycogen stores. (Ha! Look at me talking the lingo like I have any clue what it all means!) I purposefully did not take any Gatorade with me on this run because I want to train my body to run past the point at which my muscles are completely out of energy reserves. When I start going out for much longer runs this will not be possible, but for now I like the hassle free running that carrying nothing affords.

And on a last note, this run puts me over the 500km mark for the year! Also, I hit 41km for the week, which ties the longest I've ever run in a one week period. This record should be broken many times over the next fifteen weeks as I head toward my first marathon at the end of September.

Garmin don't lie.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not a big drinker on runs. If I go less than 10 I never usually bring anything. I can go 13 on cool days just fine. However, during these NC summers 6 is my limit.

June 14, 2009 at 11:16 AM  
Blogger Andrew is getting fit said...

Sounds like it was a great run!

June 14, 2009 at 11:14 PM  
Blogger Marlene said...

Good job on the run.

Yes, you will be setting many new records and milestones in the coming weeks!

June 15, 2009 at 10:36 AM  
Blogger Tim Wilson said...

Nice long run, impressed that you were able to resist the urge to speed up when passed :)

June 15, 2009 at 12:17 PM  
Blogger Ace said...

Weasel stomping, makes those long runs just that much more enjoyable. Grats on 500 clicks!

June 15, 2009 at 5:48 PM  
Blogger chris mcpeake said...

good job on 500km and getting your long run in

June 16, 2009 at 6:58 AM  

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