Sunday, June 28, 2009

Nice Long Run

After feeling so off in the knee(s) as a result of the intervals that I put myself through this past Wednesday it was nice to actually do a long run without having to grimace with every step. The weather this morning was perfect when I left at 7:30am - 21C, mostly cloudy, and no humidity.

I wasn't sure what to expect after my knees were so tight on Friday's run. All I knew was that I needed to run long and the speed didn't really matter all that much. Last weekend I ran 18k and I wanted to go past this if at all possible. I started off really slow and it took a few kilometres to get into any sort of groove. But once I did I was able to maintain a pretty steady pace for the majority of the run.

I managed 20km in 1:51:02 for an average pace of 5:33/km (8:56/mile). After the first three kilometres all of my splits were in the 5:20's or 5:30's except for the last one, which was 5:18. It felt especially good to be able to hold this pacing for the last 5k of the run given that a lot of it was uphill. The average heart rate ended up at 144bpm. In short, I am very pleased with how this all turned out. The knees feel a bit tight now, and hour and a half after the run, but I think more icing and foam rolling will help. Tomorrow we are off to Ottawa for a few days and then we'll be spending a week at a friend's cottage in Prince Edward County. Should be a lot of fun to take these two weeks to hang out with the family, play at the beach, and hopeful get some rest. I will continue to do my training, though blogging may be difficult on account of no Internet access at the cottage.

Also, this week was another milestone as I completed 45km, 4k more than any other week. I may actually dial things back this coming week a little bit before picking it up the week after, but we'll see.

Garmin don't lie.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like you are on your way back and playing things out right.

June 29, 2009 at 8:04 AM  
Blogger Marlene said...

Great job on the long run and another milestone.

Enjoy your vacation!

June 29, 2009 at 11:53 AM  
Blogger Felice Devine said...

That's a great long run!

June 29, 2009 at 3:03 PM  

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