Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Back At It

After several days where I've been busy enough, and brain dead enough, not to have anything to blog about I finally have something to post. But before I get to that let me say a few words about that little marathon that took place a couple of days ago in an obscure place called Boston. I watched this race on the web and was riveted the entire time by both the women's and the men's contest. So much drama, and such a contrast between the two. A year ago I would have thought that watching an entire marathon would be akin to the classic "watching paint dry" analogy. Now that I have gotten my feet wet in running it is so much more interesting. Imagine how much more I'd enjoy it if I actually cared who won!?!

Also, I tracked three fellow bloggers as they ran at the very same Boston Marathon and would like to extend congratulations to them. I apologize to those that I did not track and later found out were running the race - next year I will track for sure! But to Frayed Laces for a gutsy effort, to N.D. for a terrific race only two short months removed from giving birth to a beautiful baby boy, and to The Running Laminator for an amazing race I would like to extend my most heart felt congratulations. You guys are truly inspirational! I tracked all of your splits online and must admit that I got pretty nervous waiting for each one to pop up. So glad all of you finished, and I look forward to the stories.

As far as my running goes, I continue to chug along, foot pain and all. I went to another massage therapy appointment and the focus was once again on my hips, with some hamstring work on the right side put in for good measure. Apparently I was quite "congested" in the front of the hip and the MT thinks that releasing this area might help with the plantar fasciitis somewhat, though I can't really follow the reasoning. Something nerve related is what he said.

Anyway, tonight Mon took both boys to Malcolm's T-Ball practice and this gave me the opportunity to go for a run while it was still light out. I planned on going to the track to do some intervals, but as I started running the foot was feeling fairly tight and while approaching the track I made the decision to skip the intervals and simply run more of a tempo type workout. So I headed right on past, all the while thinking how much fun it will be once I can get on that track and do some fast laps around it. Someday... someday...

Other than the foot I was feeling pretty good tonight and was running fairly fast, for me at least. The splits for the run were as follows:

  1. 5:19 (8:34/mile)
  2. 4:51 (7:49/mile)
  3. 4:35 (7:24/mile)
  4. 4:30 (7:15/mile)
  5. 4:44 (7:37/mile)
  6. 4:41 (7:33/mile)
  7. 4:33 (7:19/mile)
  8. 4:31 (7:17/mile)
The total run was 8km done in 37:49 for an average pace of 4:43/km (7:36/mile). My average heart rate was 155bpm, and I think that's pretty good considering this is the pace at which I ran my 10k PR last year and at that time I was in the 170s the entire way, dying for breath. All told this was a fun run. I think I will slow it down for the remaining runs as I head into my next race, which is now less than two weeks away.

Garmin don't lie.

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Blogger FLYERS26 said...

Those are some nice splits! great job.

I was hoping for an American to win Boston, but a third in both Men's & Women's is great.

April 23, 2009 at 7:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job. Hope the MT is right about the hips. Hopefully, you'll be pain free soon and flying around the track.

April 23, 2009 at 7:32 AM  
Blogger Marlene said...

A couple years ago I think I would have been bored to tears watching a marathon and I probably hadn't even heard of the Boston Marathon. Amazing how into itwe can be when we know what it's all about.

Nice speedy run!

April 23, 2009 at 8:32 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Looks like great splits. I'm so looking forward to getting back to my previous pace.

April 23, 2009 at 12:49 PM  
Blogger Felice Devine said...

GREAT run! That's speedy!

April 23, 2009 at 2:36 PM  
Blogger Bert said...

Very nice job on those splits! You'll be heading towards a BQ time soon! Thanks for commenting on my blog!

April 23, 2009 at 3:54 PM  
Blogger The Laminator said...

Thanks for tracking me and for all your support. Hopefully, we can inspire you to run your own BQ so we can run one together!

April 25, 2009 at 7:01 PM  

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